Twenty-one: sleeping beauty

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August 4, 2010

My eyes flew open and burned from the light. I also winced a little bit from my injury. Quickly closing my eyes again, I felt something in my hand.

Not surprisingly, it was Spencer.

He was sleeping. It was very cute to be honest. His lips where puffed out and his cheeks where squished like a child's.

Spencer's face was laying on my hospital bed while holding my hand. I noticed that he had a little stubble too.

Why? I thought. I looked around and it seemed like I was in American again.

Wait, didn't I get shot? The thought haunted me.

What happened to me?

I guess I moved to much because Spencer started to stir. He turned and his face looked towards the end of the bed. I think he realized he was looking away from me and turned back, then realized I was awake.

"Y/n?" He asked, as if I wasn't really there. I did a tight lip smile as I didn't really know what to do.

"Y/n!" Spencer jumped up and hugged me gently. I happily wrapped my hands around him and put my head in the crook of his neck.

"I thought you'd never wake up!" He said. I was confused why he'd think that but I put to and to together and guessed that I'd been in a coma or something.

"Guess I'm awake." I replied quietly. I heard him snicker as he let go of me, still holding my arms though.

"Y/n, I-I thought you died." Spencer stuttered as I saw his eyes water.

"Oh Spence," I said sympathetically. I couldn't really say anything to make it better, I'm not really good at this kinda stuff.

"I-I'm sorry." I muttered and looked away from Spencer's eyes. He rolled his eyes and cupped my cheeks, lifting my gaze back up to his eyes.

"Y/n Y/l/n. Don't apologize for something you, one, couldn't control, and two, something that wasn't your fault. The only one to blame is Thomas." Spencer told me firmly.

I didn't even know it, but I was crying. As a people pleaser, not many people tell me to not apologize. Spencer looked at me then kissed my cheek lightly. I smiled softly and turned my face to kiss his lips quickly.

His cheeks flushed and turned a shade of red. Spencer pulled a bold move and kissed my lips quickly, making my face crimson.

Just then, I heard a squeal from the doorway. I looked and saw Penelope smiling like an idiot. She rushed over and hugged me really tightly.

"Oh my goodness Y/n! I'm so happy to see you!" She yelled. I giggled and squeezed her. Garcia started to ramble about what happened during my coma thingy.

Apparently I've been sleeping for almost two months. And I got shot in the head! Don't know how I survived but what ever.

The rest of the team came filing not too long after and stayed talking about the recent events. So, I was in a trafficking ring. Thomas was the 'leader' and I was in Italy.

Time skip

August 17, 2010

"Mrs Y/l/n, you'll be on bedrest for at least three weeks. Then staying home for another week." My doctor told me as I waited to go.

"Alright Doc." I smiled lightly as I got my prescriptions at the front desk and ready for to go.

Spencer was right next to me, listening intently. Over the next week, Spencer hasn't left my side. We had been having nice conversations about our pass and unresolved issues.

And, surprisingly, I forgive him. About everything. About the childish thing he did. He was twelve. He didn't know better and it had been years.

Sooner or later, we where in Spencer's car, heading down town to my apartment. He told me the team 'fixed up' my home because Thomas made a big mess.

Not long after we left the hospital, I was home. I'm was a little nervous about going home but Spencer told me I could stay with him if I wanted.

We walked up the stairs and came to my door. Spencer smiled at me as I unlocked the door nervously. It swung opened and the darkness scared me a little. I walked in and Spencer followed.

He shut the door as I put my bag down with a sigh. Spencer looked up at me with a caring smile.

"What's wrong?" He asked as walked towards me. I rested my hands on my kitchen table and Spencer was behind me.

I felt his hands around my back as he snuggled into me. I hummed and rolled my head back into his chest. I could get used to this.

"I don't know. I'm a little scared." I whispered as Spencer held me a little tighter.

"It's ok." Spencer said softly and started to rub my sides a little bit. I let go of the kitchen table and turn in his arms. Spencer smiled lightly again and moved his hands to my back.

"Can you stay?" I muttered and put my arms around his neck. Spencer nodded and kissed my four head and pulled me to my bedroom. I smiled and followed.

Kids In high school (Spencer Reid x FemReader) Where stories live. Discover now