Chapter 3: Independence

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Her father said no.

He outright rejected her dream.

She thought their relationship was doing better over the years.

What happened?

Rainbow Dash felt her tears fall to her cheeks as she stood frozen in place.

How would she become a Wonderbolt now?

Her father disagreed.

...But did she really have to listen?

Her mind stilled, and her tears stopped flowing.

Right. Why did she have to listen?

She was old enough now. She was 16 now. She was capable of making her own decisions! Why did she have to listen to him? He didn't own her!

She moved quickly, not letting the servants and guards catch on to her. She packed just the necessities. Some clothes, shoes, and a fuck ton of cash.

With a bag filled to the brim with stuff, she went out to the back door, and left the only place she ever knew.

And she didn't look back.


She checked into a small motel.

It was a humble place. Nothing in it really screamed luxury. And that's exactly what Rainbow Dash needed. Starting a new life meant you had to try out new things, right?

Knock, Knock

The sound broke her thoughts.

"Uh, hello?" Said Rainbow Dash.

"Hiya! Its Pinkie! The receptionist? You met me earlier!" An enthusiastic voice answered her.

It was the receptionist of the motel. Apparently, their family owned it. It was sort of a motel/restaurant. The restaurant was more popular though.

Rainbow Dash's heart started hammering in her chest. Had her father found her? Was the girl gonna kick her out? Rainbow Dash took a deep breath to calm herself down.

She grabbed the knob, turned it, and was met with the smiling face of the pink haired girl.

"Hi... Uh, what is it?" Rainbow asked.

"Hi! I'm just here to give you your dinner! New customers get free meals! Enjoy!" The girl waved her goodbye.

"Oh, thanks!" Rainbow smiled.

"You're welcome!!" The girl winked.

This day wasn't a complete fail.

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