Chapter 12: The First Crack

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It started out as any day would.

The sun was shining, the sky was clear, and the air was fresh.

Today had to be perfect. It was their third-year anniversary.

She remembered the day he asked her to be his clearly. The cheers, the emotions, and the joy.

Life was perfect.

"Hey! I cooked today. Well, I almost burned down the kitchen, but I think-" she was cut off by her boyfriend's rushed actions.

"Sorry, Dashie. I can't. Analise needs help with her routine," he gave her a kiss on her forehead, "I'll see you later."

"Oh... Okay. Good luck, I guess!" Rainbow tried not to feel down, but the feeling still crept inside. She had spent all morning trying to make breakfast, and he wouldn't even get to taste it?

She trusted her boyfriend. Of course, she did. But these past few days, he's always been busy. Ever since Analise's introduction into the Wonderbolts the week before, there was always something going on. Something wrong in the routine, office, everything!

Sometimes she just wanted them to have a break.


It was nighttime. Still, he wasn't there.

The dinner she had cooked was turning cold, and he still wasn't there.

Where was he?

By the time Soarin came home, the food was already in the fridge and Rainbow was about to go to sleep.

"Hey, Dashie. Sorry I'm late. I had a ton of things to do." He hugged his girlfriend from behind.

"Hey... What were you so busy with?..."

He sighed, "Analise was really confused about the routine. I had to instruct her."

"But... All day? Was she that confused?"

"Dashie, it's her first show. Try to understand how she felt."

"But my first routine didn't take this long!"

"Not everyone is like you, Dash!" He sighed deeply again, "She's not the best flier. Helping her was more important today."

More important? More important than their anniversary?

The next day, she realized her boyfriend didn't remember their anniversary. He didn't even check.

That day, Rainbow Dash learned an important lesson.

Life can never be perfect.


NOTE: Yes. I did get the title from the All Too Well short film💀

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