Chapter 18: The Breaking Point

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It was going well for a few weeks. It seemed like everything went back to normal. The world was perfect and in order, as it should be.

Until that day.

It started out perfect. Her relationship with her father was going well. They were fixing things. And she was going on a vacation with Soarin in just a few days. It was perfect.

But like before, life can never be perfect.

Her fantasy was shattered by a news article showing the world's newest celebrity couple.

It was Analise.

And Soarin.

Her teammate, and her boyfriend.

How cruel could the world be?


"Dashie! Please! Let me explain!" he pleaded as she packed her bags.

She turned around, "Explain what? How you forgot to tell me you started a relationship with someone else?!"

"That article was lying, Dashie! I don't have a relationship with Analise!"

"Really? That picture clearly captured your friendship with that kiss!"

"Rainbow, she kissed me! I pushed her off as soon as I could!"

She glared, "Why did you let her kiss you in the first place?!"

"I didn't! it took me by surprise! Please, you have to believe me!" he grabbed her hand.

"Why were you with her anyway? I told you to stay away!" her voice cracked, getting tired from the screaming.

"I-," he faltered. That told her all she needed to know, "Oh my god!" she groaned. Taking her bags and leaving through the front door.

Why was it so hard for you to leave that girl alone, Soarin?

That day, Rainbow went to the one place she vowed to never return to.

Her old house.


Note: Yes. I also got this title from the All Too Well short film. Can you tell I'm a swiftie?

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