Chapter 6: Dream

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Rainbow dropped her application off in the Wonderbolt's application center.

As soon as those papers hit the table, a huge weight was dropped from her chest.

Her friends had convinced her to do it.

She had shared her dream of flying to them. They trusted her, and she trusted them. They kept no secrets.

Soon after Rainbow met Rarity and Twilight, she decided to tell both Pinkie and Apple Jack the truth. And thankfully, they kept it.

It was a great 2 years.

But she did miss he dearest friend though.

Rainbow often thought about Fluttershy. Her fist ever friend. How was she doing? Was she handling her disappearance well?

Rainbow wanted to call her many times, but the risk was too high. Fluttershy was too connected to her family. And if her father found out, everything that she had accomplished in those 2 years would be gone.

She would have to wait for now.


"Ahhhh!!!" The high-pitched squeal of Rarity rang throughout the room, "Darling! Your results are here!"

Rainbow Dash sprang up, getting excited, "For real?! Hold on let me see!"

The others had also dropped what they were doing to take a peek.

The socialite handed the envelope to Rainbow Dash. Said girl held it tight, taking a deep breath before tearing it open and reading the letter.

"Miss Dash, your application is quite impressive. We feel it would be in our best interest to work with you. Although we don't have any open Wonderbolt positions, we do have open recruit positions. Congratulations, Miss Dash. Welcome to the Wonderbolts!"

Excited screams filled the air.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" Rainbow gasped.

She did it.

After 10 years of dreaming, she reached her goal.

This was no longer an untouchable fantasy, it was her reality.

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