nct dream - being protective ! ‧₊˚

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more protective than you'd initially think. keeps his hands on your lower back in public settings. would help you peel fruit or feeds you food often. grabs your hand and pulls you against his chest in a crowd, making eye contact to confirm you're alright. his eyes often speak more than his words, they keep following you wherever you go. pats your thigh when you sit next to him and would make way by gently grabbing your waist and guiding you aside.


he's the most verbally protective out of the members, never taking it when the others get too comfortable with their teasing. has enough of a resting bitch face to avoid any more confrontation and if there's still some turmoil he wouldn't hesitate to use some more drastic word choices (lmao). is the type to pick fluff off your sweater or brush away a lash from your cheeks. nags a lot about taking care of yourself and always calls to make sure you got home safely.


if the dictionary could have an alternative definition for 'protectiveness', it would be lee jeno. he'd be so attentive, always walking on the busy side of the street and pulling you aside when strangers get too close to you. he'd order food for you and always offer you the first bite. would hold your waist, your hand, your chin in his hand. the type to fix your hair for you or put on a hat or a beanie in the winter. always carries an extra jacket or hoodie for you for when you'd get cold.


would be the 'always-ready-to-fight'-type. acts all whiny and cutesy, but when someone is disrespectful towards you, something shifts in his eyes. likes to know you're with him and in reach, so he's big on holding hands. in crowds, he only lets go of your hand to put his arm around your shoulder and kiss the top of your head. makes you the best food, though he orders just as much anyway. feeds you well and calls you often when he has a short break.


would be an honorable mention in the 'protectiveness'-entry of the dictionary. strokes your hair when he sits back and holds your hands like it's glued to his. also someone who is eager to lend you a hoodie when you're cold. wouldn't let you help him cook if you're bad at it, because he doesn't want you to burn yourself. pulls you to the side if you get distracted and would love fixing or playing with your hair. looks for you/watches you a lot from afar, always making sure you're alright.


another one who doesn't seem as protective as he'd actually be. uses his resting bitch face a lot, similar to renjun. doesn't like it when someone gets too friendly with you, resulting in him instinctively grabbing your hand or waist. talks over the teasing of the members and definitely doesn't hesitate to defend you in front of them. another one who has a thing for stroking your hair. walks you home every night you hang out with him.


subtle, little touches that guide you through the day. pushes cups and glasses out of the way when you get dangerously close to knocking them over. pulls you towards him before you bump into something. basically saves your life every day and has the audacity to be a blushing mess about it. would let you piggyback ride the way home. would always hand you his sweater when you get cold (he learned from the best).

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