nct dream - not saying i love you back

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MARK. you're leaving for the day to hang out with a couple of friends. while you're making sure you have everything you need in your purse, mark comes up from behind you. he back hugs you for a bit before letting go and pressing a loving kiss to your cheek. "have fun. i love you." you always say it back to him, which is why he found it a bit strange. stays close to you, but keeps side eyeing you to see if you're mad or if you're gonna say it back. you look up at him from fixing your things, "i love you too." he realizes you were just busy making sure you had everything you needed and he chuckles. "thought you weren't gonna say it back for a second."

RENJUN. you'd both been on the verge of falling asleep. tightening his arms around you, he mumbles a small "love you." receiving no reaction, he lazily opens his eyes and they land on your sleeping figure beside him. "how cute," he brushes some stray pieces of hair away from your face before pressing a soft kiss to your temple. he manages to slur out another "i love you." before his eyelids completely shut and he falls into a deep slumber along with you.

JENO. you'd made him get up from the bed to get you a bag of chips. coming back into the room, he rolls his eyes, "yeah, love you too or whatever." he was expecting you to say it first thing when he came through the door. why wouldn't you? he'd just gotten up from his very comfortable spot on the bed and walked all the way to the kitchen and back. he glances over to see you eating your chips without a care in the world. snatching them from your grasp, he holds them away from you. "where's my 'i love you'? no thank you either?" he watches as you roll your eyes and sit up, bringing his face close to yours and pressing a kiss against his cheek. "thank you, love you." hands your chips back to you before throwing himself right next to you. "you're welcome, brat."

HAECHAN. is on his way out the door, struggling to juggle his phone end everything else he's carrying in his hands. "okay, i'm leaving now! i love you!" fumbles with his things for second while waiting for you to say it back. when he doesn't hear it, he repeats it again. "i said i love you!" says it a third time, but practically yells it this time. when he hears nothing, he huffs. "oh, i love you too, my handsome, lovely boyfriend! have an amazing day!" he mocks you with a high pitched voice. you laugh and finally tell him the words he was waiting to hear. "finally! i thought you were going deaf for a second."

JAEMIN. always says i love you when he leaves and he always expects you to say it back. when you don't say it back the first time he waits a bit before trying again. "i said i love you." "i know, i heard." stands in front of you with his hand on his hip. "what if something happens when i'm out? what if i die and you never got to say it, huh?" he's so dramatic about it, it makes you laugh. "okay, i love you." grabs your face and gives you a kiss. "thank you! i love you, bye!!"

CHENLE. was running late so he was all over the place; trying to gather all his things, put on his shoes, etc. just pressed a quick kiss to your cheek and frantically shouted "love you!" before running out the door. didn't realize you didn't say it back until he was almost at the location. sends you a quick "say it back" text and bickers with you until he gets an "i love you" text.

JISUNG. you'd been goofing around for a few minutes now, both with huge grins on your faces. jisung laughs as he hugs you. "love you," he bashfully says. he nuzzles his cheek into your hair with happiness, but when he realizes he moves his head to look at you. "are you not gonna say it back?" "no," you respond cheekily. he lets go of you and laughs again. "c'mon, just say it back!" the atmosphere is cheerful and loving, he knows you're joking around with him. "you know what? that's okay, i don't love you either." but his actions say otherwise when he runs to assure you that he was kidding with a smile on his face. 

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