nct dream playing the chapstick challenge

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"chapstick game?" he turned his back as you applied the watermelon flavoured chapstick to your lips, barely knowing the rules of the game. "yeah it's simple, you just have to kiss me and guess what flavour the chapstick is." mark nodded, before turning his head a little to see if you were ready.

the two of you faced each other, both leaning in as you puckered your lips. mark quickly turned his head to the side as he snorted, covering his mouth with his hand while he laughed. "sorry, sorry just gimme a sec." you rolled your eyes at his flusteredness, a small smile on your own face. "mark, seriously? it's a kiss we've done this plenty of times before." mark gathered the strength to stop laughing and then leaned in to give you a quick peck.

his eyes widened as he instantly recognised the flavour. "yooo, that's gotta be watermelon! where'd you get that from?"


he probably takes it the most seriously out of the dreamies, mostly because it's just another opportunity to kiss you without a reason. you both sat cross-legged facing one another, his hands covering his eyes as you applied the grape chapstick on. placing it behind your back, you tapped him on the leg to let him know he could look.

"so i just kiss you now?" he asks, leaning in a little. "well yeah, that's the whole point of the game." you both giggle before giving each other a peck. he leans back, slightly licking his lips to figure out the flavour. "can i have another go?"

"that's your only chance, that's the rule of the game." he throws his hands up in the air, defeated that he got rejected from another kiss. "this game is stupid. i can't even kiss my own girlfriend again!" you sighed, holding up the chapstick to show renjun.

"wrong, the answer was grape."


he turned to face you with that classic eye smile of his, completely engrossed in how cute you were rather than the flavour of chapstick he was supposed to kiss. he always loved when you'd come up to him suggesting to play random games you'd see online. but I this moment, he just wanted to be close to you.

you leaned in to kiss him and then attempted to pull away, but jeno stopped you as he wrapped an arm around your waist and continued to peck your lips a few more times. "jeno, you're only allowed one kiss! that's cheating."

"screw the game, i'd rather kiss you instead." he said against your lips. "the flavour was cherry anyway. i looked at it when you weren't watching."


would 100% cheat and look at the flavour. his eyes were covered by his hands, but in reality he was peeking through the cracks of his fingers as you applied the apple flavoured chasptick in the mirror. you'd turn to look at him closely, sighing loudly as you could see haechan looking back at you.

"it's a chapstick game, why are you cheating?" he would uncover his eyes and pretend to act shocked that you'd accuse him of such a thing. "no i didn't, i swear!"

"haechan, you're a horrible liar." you said, putting the chapstick away since there was no use in playing the game anymore. he shook his head frantically, pulling you closer to him. "i would never cheat! now just hurry up and kiss me."


would have no idea what you're talking about, but he's always up for a game to pass the time. he hadn't actually paid too much attention to what the game was actually about though. "okay, i'll close my eyes and guess first." you told him, handing him the chapstick. you'd gotten jisung to rip off the labels earlier so it was more challenging.

but as you covered your eyes, you heard a sound of disgust moments later. "ew, what hell! why would you give me strawberry out of all the flavours?"

you lowered your hands, eyes widening at the sight of jaemin chewing on the chapstick. "jaemin! you're not meant to eat it, you fool!"


"okay, now come here." you said to chenle as you hid the peach flavoured chapstick in your sleeve. he opened his eyes and made his way to sit next to you on the floor.

without any hesitation, he pulled himself forward and licked your bottom lip to taste the flavour. you opened your mouth in shock, wide eyes staring at your boyfriend. "chenle..."

"what? i'm meant to taste it right?" all you could do was shake your head at his response.


"no peeking!" jisung looked back and make sure your eyes were closed as he applied the melon flavoured chapstick. once he was done, he moved to sit in front of you and gently moved your hands from your eyes.

with a quick peck, you rubbed your lips together in an attempt to get more of the flavour. "hmm, is it.... orange?" you asked, looking up at him. he gave you a wide smile, nodding as he pulled out the chapstick. "correct! good job."

you looked at the label of the chapstick that clearly had 'melon' on it, before giving him a tired look. "jisung, it says melon."

"oh?" he looked at the chapstick. "well... you're wrong. you lose."

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