nct - accidentally wearing matching outfits

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he'd enter the kitchen and would go straight towards the fridge without sparing your outfit much attention at first. but when he turns around and sees your also wearing an all-gray sweatsuit combo, he has to bite back a small grin. "nice outfit," he'd say, as he comes up behind you to see what you're making. would totally be someone who'd buy you matching pajamas because he kinda thinks is funny in a sweet way. he wouldn't comment much further on it, but from time to time he'd ask you if you wanted to match with him again while getting ready, showing that he did in fact not mind this at all.


not gonna lie, he'd try to fight you a bit (jokingly). he'd go "wow, why are you copying me??" (i can hear him say it lmao) but in reality, he lowkey loves it. it's kinda satisfying to him, the way the colors of your outfit perfectly go with his. would brag about you and your style behind your back a la they have such good style, "we always look like we're out of a magazine together!" definitely does not miss an opportunity to give you suggestions when you get dressed. he'd throw his jacket to you and say this goes better with your pants. but still, stop copying him >:(.


oh, he loves it. he's very interested in fashion (and a very good dresser as well), so coordinating your outfits would bring him so much joy! please let this boy dress you two, he'd combust with pride if you walk around in your fits. he'd die on the spot if you ask him to customize some of your clothing or proudly tell someone that your boyfriend designed it. sharing clothes is a must here, whatever fits, the other wears too. this also goes for accessories. so you two find yourselves often matching, even if you didn't even try.


probably has the most chill but sweetest reaction. when he'd see you, he'd just muster you up and down, and while you sit down next to him, he'd compliment you. he probably wouldn't even bring up the fact that you two are matching, but rather just throws compliment after compliment at you until you finally notice that your fits go together. he'd just give you a lazy grin in return, and say that must be "why you look so good today". it's not that he doesn't care, he actually loves the way you two look like you belong together. but he just finds it more fun to make you flustered with his remarks (fuck you too yuta >:().


i feel like he wouldn't pay it that much mind. when he sees you and your outfit he notices it more to himself, not addressing it directly. he'd probably just tell you that you look good and send you a cheeky smile. the next time you'd get dressed around him, he'd sneakily throw some suggestions your way to make you wear something matching again. i feel similar to johnny, he'd like the fact that your outfits go together more because it looks aesthetically pleasing to him (lol). wouldn't hesitate to take some pictures together when you do match though.


would notice, but maybe not right away. also someone who bites back or just sneakily comments on it. would totally like it if you both dress up for date nights, but when you just walk into the practice room and the others point out your matching outfits, he just smiles sweetly. he likes it, but he is also just lowkey about it. he'd ruffle your hair and tell you that you look good matching him, but the ultimate goal here is also more flirting than anything else. but his antics definitely got what he wanted: making you flustered. so by the end, he can barely hide his cheesy smile when you just look on the ground with beaming cheeks, already knowing you won't be able to forget about this for a while.


would notice right away. would go "huh? did you do that on purpose?" and feel so soft regardless. would probably point out that you look like a real couple multiple times throughout the day, despite your demands that you are a real couple. would even use this as an excuse to cheesily flirt with you. "oh look, we kinda go together, how about that? maybe that's a sign?" he'd say, wiggling his eyebrows at you. honestly, he'd just see this as an opportunity to flirt with you and compliment you, and secretly he enjoys these interactions so much that he tells you to do it more often (even though it was an accident?? but sure).


would notice it when you come in through the door right away. would literally be that spiderman meme. "yoo, we're matching!!" he'd say and high-five you. he tries to be cool about it but secretly he really loves the fact that you two look so obviously like a couple. and the fact that the sweatshirt you'd be wearing is also his, is a nice bonus that will haunt his thoughts for the rest of the day. definitely shyly tells you to wear his clothes more often when you two are on your own later.


would either try to play it cool or straight-up scream in your face. he'd be really excited either way, but i think his reaction depends on if it's only the two of you or not. you'd leave the bedroom one morning and would try walking past him, your mind busy with your tasks for the day. he'd stop in his tracks and grab your arm, spinning you around to face him. "we're matching!!" he'd say, squealing quietly as he takes in your figure. "we look so cute together!" he'd continue, wiggling his eyebrows at you. you can only shake your head at his antics as he rambles on about how you two look like those hot pinterest couples.

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