nct dream : calling your boyfriend by his first name.

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"Hey, can you pass me the whisk, Mark?"

You extend your hand out towards your boyfriend. He grabs the kitchen tool and starts to pass it to you before pausing. Something doesn't feel right.

"Mark? Can I have the whisk, please?"

Suddenly, his eyes grow round in realization, and he turns to you, a questioning look overtaking his face. "You called me Mark."

"Yeah, that's your name, isn't it?" You pluck the whisk from his grasp, returning
your attention to the bowl of chocolate cake batter in front of you. He furrows his eyebrows, pouting slightly.

"But you don't call me that."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm..." His cheeks grow red as he stumbles over his words. He scratches the back of his neck sheepishly. "You always call me..." He whispers the last word as the tips of his ears turn scarlet. "... Marky."

You can't hide the smile on your face anymore, and when you turn to face him, he grows even more flustered, noticing the Cheshire grin on your face.

"You did that on purpose!" he accuses you, flapping his hands around in embarrassment. "Is this another TikTok challenge?!"

You laugh, and he sighs in defeat. Leaning over, you press a soft kiss against his cheek. "Sorry, Marky, you're just too cute."


"Renjun, what should we Postmates?" You scroll through the app, assessing all your options. You hear no response from your boyfriend, so you look over at him.


He pointedly looks down at his phone, double tapping the pictures that show up on his Instagram feed (He scrolls past one unflattering image of him on Haechan's finsta). You reach out and poke him. "Renjun?"

Radio silence. Your boyfriend even has the audacity to turn away from you and reach for his AirPods.

"... Junbug?"

"I'm up for ordering some fried chicken."

"Wow, really? I thought you hated that nickname," you snort, shaking your head slightly, but you click on your boyfriend's favorite chicken restaurant. Fried chicken, it is then (You make sure to add a note to your order to have the deliverer ask for Junbug when he goes down to pick it up).


"Are you gonna do a livestream today, Jeno?"

Your boyfriend freezes in his chair, fingers paused over the keyboard. You can hear Donghyuck and Jisung yelling at him over his headphones as their players die on screen, and you hide a smile, lounging against the backboard of his bed as you pretend to tap away at your phone, secretly filming him instead.

"Jeno?" You try again, and he lets out a noise of confusion, cocking his head slightly. He turns to you hesitantly, pulling his headphones down to rest around his neck. "... Am I in trouble?"

"No? Why would you be, Jeno?"

He rolls back in his chair a few inches. "You're doing it again though. Just tell me what's wrong. Is it because I ate all the leftover Chinese?"

"Nothing's wrong." You tilt your head, widening your eyes innocently. "And I'm doing what?"

"Why are you calling me by my first name?" He wrinkles his forehead, frowning. "You always call me babe."

"Oh, sorry, babe." You shrug, and he shakes his head. Your boyfriend turns back to his game, the both of you forgetting your original question. Suddenly, you shoot up in belated realization, back straightening up as you give him an incredulous expression.

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