nct dream : calling them by a nickname for the first time

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MARK. "you're such a cutie, mark." it's not something he hasn't heard before; lots of people think he's cute. so why couldn't he help the boyish grin from spreading across his face? why was he feeling so shy? why did the tip of his ears feel hot all of a sudden? it's not because of the term, it's because of you.

RENJUN. was a little grumpy for whatever reason; mumbling curses under his breath every few minutes. sighing, you walked over to where your boyfriend was sitting in his chair and squished his cheeks together. "what's wrong, junnie?" "junnie?" "yeah, do you not like it?" he finally lets himself relax and leans into your touch. "no, i like it."

JENO. despite being a few months into the relationship you hadn't called jeno any nicknames in fear of his reaction, but you decided to try your luck. "hey, babe. how are you doing?" he makes a surprised face before speaking up. "oh, babe? that's new, it sounds nice." if that didn't tell you he liked it, his eye smile definitely did.

HAECHAN. teases you so much it's become a daily thing. had your phone between his hands keeping it away from you and no matter how much you tried you couldn't seem to get it back. "just give it back!" "ask nicely and i just might." "please, hyuck." you can see him falter a bit before he finally gives it back. "only because you asked cutely."

JAEMIN. "bye baby! i'll see you later!" in your rush to leave the house you hadn't realized what you said. jaemin, on the other hand, had heard you loud and clear. has a huge smile on his face and basically has stars in his eyes for the rest of the day until you get back home. "welcome home, baby."

CHENLE. glancing over at the clock you see it's 5:27am, it's too early to be awake. feeling some movement next to you, you glance over to see chenle whose eyes are still filled with sleep. "hi, lele." he smiles softly at your new nickname for him before pulling you closer to him. "it's way too early, let's go back to sleep."

JISUNG. "hi, sung." gives you an adorable grin in return. "hi." he shyly mutters back. it's not a nickname like "babe" or "baby" and it's not something new; a few people before you have called him that, but it doesn't compare to the feeling of warmth that exploded in his chest when it came from you.

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