nct dream fav place to kiss you

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MARK. your cheek. kisses you on your cheek when he leaves for work, and kisses you on your cheek again when he comes back home. fumbling around until his lips make contact your cheek when he wakes up, blinking blearily with drowsiness. random pecks on the soft part of your skin right next to your lips.

RENJUN. your forehead. turns his head and presses a sweet kiss on your forehead when the two of you are watching a movie together and you lean your head on his shoulder. pecks your hairline when he's facing you or hugging you tightly. kisses the area in between your eyebrows when he knows you're stressed or tired - it's his silent way of telling you not to overwork yourself.

JENO. your neck. nuzzles your neck with his nose, his hands on your waist and your back against his chest, before dropping a kiss there, smiling against your skin. kisses the region in between your neck and your shoulder before you go to sleep, mumbling a "sweet dreams", afterwards. puckers his lips and leaves a trail of wet kisses on your neck and collarbones, chuckling when you squirm away because it tickles.

HAECHAN. your lips. loves to surprise you with a swift peck to your lips, smirking when you freeze mid-sentence. kisses the corner of your mouth when you've just eaten a candy, claiming that he "wants to taste it too." slow, soft kisses to your lips when he wants to tell you he loves you but he's too shy to actually say the words aloud.

JAEMIN. your nose. simply bops your nose before kissing it, grinning at you when you scrunch it up afterwards. leans forward, a gleam in his eyes, and when you pucker your lips waiting for his, he kisses your nose instead, blinking innocently at you later. kisses your nose after kissing your lips, because he just can't resist it.

CHENLE. your knuckles. presses a kiss to your knuckles whenever he holds your hand, whether at home or in public. interlaces your fingers and brings your joined hands to his lips, kissing the back of your palm. shrugging when you tease him and call him "chivalrous" before covering your entire hand with kisses.

JISUNG. the top of your head. unconsciously kisses the top of your head when you fall asleep on his shoulder. presses a kiss to your hair when you curl into his side and he wraps an arm around you. pecking the area just above your forehead when he wakes up and before he goes to sleep - it's become a habit now.

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