Chapter 1

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I glanced at the clock that hung upon the wall, 8:35pm.
"I should start getting ready," I spoke softly to myself. I tend to talk to myself, a lot. I'm not a lonely person, I just love talking.
I rose from the couch and walked down the hall to my room. I opened my closet and searched for a nice looking outfit. I'm a masculine kind of lesbian or tomboy, whatever you wanna call it. So I grab a red plaid shirt, a simple gray v-neck, jeans and black converse. I head to the bathroom and change from my pajamas.
I take a glance in the mirror before realizing that my hair was all over the place. I open the cabinet and gathered my hair products and began styling. Minutes past as I couldn't get my brown hair to settle correctly, so I just slicked it back at wore a black snap-back backwards.
I placed the products back into the cabinet and went into the kitchen for a last drink of water before going to the bar.
"Where are you going?" My father asked as the glanced up from his tablet.
"Oh, me and my friends are just going to see a movie and maybe out to eat. I'm also staying the night with Haven."
"Okay, be careful and don't do anything stupid."
I had to lie to my dad on these kind of nights. I'm a 16 year old that gets mistaken for 20, I have a fake ID, most of my friends are at least 23, and I get away with pretty much anything. Some say I'm a bad kid, and some say I inspire them, don't know how but it works. I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket as I swallowed the last bit of water in my cup.
"Bye daddy, be home later," I said as I grabbed my wallet that I set on the table earlier.
"Okay, I love you, sweetheart."
"Love you too."
I closed the door behind me and took a look up at the empty sky. I smile and speed walk to the red 2004 hoodless mustang that waited for me in my driveway. I jumped into the back seat and clapped my hands to show I was ready.
"Alright, allons-y!" I say and buckle up.
"So, Alex, you thinking you'll pick up any chicks tonight?" Donna asks from the passenger seat.
"Does that even need an answer?" Haven says laughing has she backed up from the drive way.
We arrived at the bar and I climbed out from the back. The three of us laughed and joked on our way to the door. It's easy for me to pass off as an adult with them, Donna's 23, Haven's 19 and both are 5'3" while I'm 16 and 5'6".
The man at the door asks for our IDs and we allow him to study ours for a matter of seconds before he let's us in. We take a seat in the back that overlooks everyone in the bar. This has to be my favorite seat, getting able to see all the women get tipsy and...well let's just say it's a sight.
"I'm getting a beer, want one Alex?"
"Ew no. Bring me back a Smirnoff." She knew I hated beer and whiskey. She likes getting on my nerves with it though, because she'll buy one on purpose and I have to drink it. I hate when people be nice and buy another person a drink or meal and they don't consume it. I like to be nice and I drink or eat just about anything someone buys for me, then I pay them back most of the time. Unless their like Haven and buy it to get on my nerves, then that's a waste of her own money.
After about 5 minutes, she comes back and sets the drink in front of me spilling some of it. Donna's already off in the bathroom with some girl and I'm sure Haven devoured every ounce of beer they had up there in seconds. I chuckled and drank as I amused myself by watching Haven try to walk. I'm the one out of the three off us who had to watch what they drink because I drive us home while Donna and Haven are usually passed out, throwing up out the window, or something.
I laugh as I sat alone and watched over everyone. I saw a few attractive girls but not any I'd hit.
Just as I thought this night would be boring, a beautiful woman with blonde hair and pale skin walks through the doors. I immediately put all my focus onto her. She wore white skinny jeans, a lovely blue blouse with what looked like a diamond necklace, and sandals. I allowed her to get a couple of drinks in her before I decided I should start a conversation.
I left my glass at the table and made my way through the crowd to the beautiful lady. I sat on the stool beside her. She looked no older than 21 and she had little makeup on. At least she's not one of those girls that look like they were a canvas for Van Gogh.
"Hey," turns out she's the one who started the conversation and her voice was calm.
"Hi, I'm Alex," my eyes studied her body until they hit the waist then they bounced back up to her eyes. They were a bright green and I could see my reflection in them.
"Hello Alex, I'm Madison."
"Pleasure to meet such a beautiful woman," I smile and watched as she blushed and ran her fingers through her straightened hair.
Minutes past as we had a few more small drinks and chatting..and taking my hat and wearing it.
"So, Alex, have you ever made out with a girl?" I could tell she was getting a little freaky by the tone in her voice.
"Not as beautiful as you," what can I say I'm a flirty person.
I brushed a piece of her hair that fell in her eyes behind her ear. I gave a crooked smile and she gave the most prettiest smile I've ever seen back. As I leaned closer to her she bit her lower lip. Our lips touched and I felt a spark go off inside of me, out of all the girls I've kissed before this feeling never happened. I don't know what this is, is this what it feels like when you like someone?
I tried to figure this feeling out as we had the longest kiss I probably ever had. I start to pull away slowly when she grabbed my neck and forced me to stay. Well, I say force when I was perfectly fine with it. She kicks it up a notch by allowing tongue. We're like this for a minute or so before she gives a quiet moan. My hand found it's way to her waist as the other stayed on the side of her smooth, pale face. Her fingers run through my hair, down my side then back up to my hair.
She gives another moan and pulls my hair a little telling me to just go ahead and do it. I stand up and pull away from her, she stands up and grips my hand, dragging me along to an empty stall in the bathroom. The fact the she was about 5'3" made it better. I pass by Donna on the way and she gives me a thumbs up telling me I've picked a good one. Madison locks the stall door and turns back to me. We start kissing again when I pin her against the wall were she has no where to go.

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