Chapter 17

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We arrived at the hospital and I was pushed away from Alex. I fought to stay, but what was the point. I had two men holding me back, there was no way I could break free from them. I did what was best, I waited.


Hours past by as I waited impatiently in the waiting room. A couple came running in screaming to see Alex immediately. My best guess is that they were her parents.
She came from an attractive family. No wonder she had a face like a model.
Finally, a doctor came in and said we could visit for a while. I followed behind the doctor and Alex's parents at a distance to the room she was placed in.
"Who are you?" Asked who I thought was Alex's father.
"I'm Alex's Geometry teacher, Madison Stewart. I, uhm... I can leave... I-If you want," I stuttered.
"No, you're fine. It's good to see that a teacher cares, especially for a student with her kind attitude."
I kind of got offended by his statement, but it was true. Alex was always quick to anger and she'll talk back. But I loved her, for her.
I stood at the end of the hospital bed as her father took her hand. He was dressed in scrubs and a white coat, I'm thinking he was a doctor. Her mother wore a classy suit, she probably had a good degree in law.
"I'm Iris Bradford, Alex's mum, obviously," she shook my hand as she introduced herself.
"Nice to meet you."
"You too," she took a pause and glanced at her husband with a concerned look, "how is she, Matt?"
"She looks fine, but that's only judging by her appearance."
Iris leaned over to me, "Matt's a surgeon."
So, I guessed correctly.
I stayed put at the end of the bed when a police officer walked in.
"Hi, I'm officer Patterson. Is this Alexandria Bradford's family?" He asked.
"Yes, sir. How may we help you?" Asked Iris, crossing her arms. Neither Matt or Iris spoke about me not being a family member, so I let it be. Just listening to what Officer Patterson had to say.
"Mister and Misses Bradford, your daughter had been underage drinking. Are you aware that she does this?" Iris's hand covered her mouth as she glared at Alex, who was still sleeping. Matt rubbed his wives back as he answered.
"No, sir. This is the first we're notified."
I grabbed the end of the hospital bed and looked at Alex. I noticed that her face was badly bruised since they cleaned her up. She had stitches above her brow, and her bottom lip slightly swelled.
I zoned out of their conversation realizing that some of it wasn't my business, but they would've also said that I wasn't a family member instead of going with it.
"Thank you, Officer Patterson. You have a good night," Matt said just before Patterson left the room.
Matt went into the hallway and came back with a black cushioned chair. He sat it down on the opposite side of were Iris sat of Alex
"Here, take a seat," he patted the back of it before coming around and seating beside his wife.
"Thank you, Mr. Bradford," I said while seating.
"Matt, please," he corrected me.
I looked down at her hand, it looked cold. I wanted to hold it but what would her parents say? Would they get the wrong...yet right, idea?
I picked away the string from her blanket away from her hand, skimming it in the process, realizing she was freezing. I glanced up seeing both of them holding her hand.
My eyes pushed away from the string I was picking at to her hand... She was awake.
"Mama..." Her first words like she was an infant again.
Her parents hadn't noticed she was awake until she said something.
"Alex!" Her mum screamed with joy. Her father smiled with tears in his eyes.
"Hey, princess. How are you feeling?" He asked, pushing stray hair behind her ear.
"Fine," her only response. She was unaware that I was sitting beside her.
"You have a visitor," Iris said, making eye contact with me.
Alex slowly turned her head, like she was in pain.
"...Miss Stewart?" Thank God she didn't say my first name. She looked confused then sad. "What are you doing here?"
It's like she didn't remember what happened before she passed out then was rushed to the hospital.
"I seen you wreck your car... I've come to make sure you were alright."
She swallowed hard then looked back at her parents, "Can I speak to her alone?"
They just sat there without responding.
"Okay," they said then left the room closing the door behind them. Alex watched and remained quiet until the door was completely shut.
"Seriously, why the hell are you here?"
"Alex..." I sighed, I didn't know what to say.
"No, it's okay. I knew we'd never be happy in the end."
I was speechless, if I could only tell her why...
She must've saw my expression, "You actually still care?"
"Why wouldn't I? After all we been through," I set my hand on top of her cold hand. She turned her hand over and held mine.
"Your hand is warm...."
"Alex, I'm sorry."
"Don't be, really."
Our eyes got lost in each other's, I glanced down at her lips then back to her eyes. I leaned forward to kiss them. I barely touched them before Alex jerked away.
"Ouch, careful.." She said.
"Sorry," I apologized, then carefully going back in to fix my mistake.
I pulled away, opening my eyes. I smiled, she's just so beautiful.
"I'll tell your parents they can come back in," I said standing up and walking over to the door. I turned the knob and told them we were finished.
We wondered back over to Alex and took a seat again.
"Daddy," she said, her voice was weak.
"Yes, princess?"
"It's cold in here," she said.
"I'll get that," he stood up and walked over to a thermostat.
"I have to go, I have papers to grade," I said using a common excuse as a teacher.
"We appreciate you visiting, you're welcome anytime," Matt said while shaking my hand, then Iris.
"It's no big deal, I hate to see my students suffer. I'd do anything to help," I looked down at Alex. "Get better soon."
She smiled having a small giggle, "Will do."

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