Chapter 14

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The day went by fast and quite amusing. There were two fights, and I had front row to both of them.
Fights aren't hard to come by at my school, but it does make everyone's day better when they see one. Most kids will bet money on who will win. Last time I was in a fight, I know someone betted $20 that I would make the other kid bleed, and I did. I never lost a fight.
I slowly made my way down the empty hallway to room 221 for detention. I was going to attend it all week, just because of Madison.
I walked through the opened door and saw Madison at her desk grading papers. Her glasses sat on her nose, making her look innocent, but we all know she wasn't.
I cleared my throat slightly, making her glance through her glasses at me. I smiled and she didn't seem to return one. I placed my bag beside the desk closest to hers.
"Close my door, you're the only one assigned for today," she said. Her head rested in her left hand as she continued to grade the paper.
I did as I was told then pulled up a chair beside her.
She set her red pen down and sighed.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Alex, I can't do this anymore," she said not taking one look at me.
"Do what?"
"Us. I can loose my job and I worked hard for this. I can't loose it over you. I'm sorry but we can't do this anymore."
I felt my heart rupture. I never been broken up with before. Well I wouldn't say we broke up, we never were dating. Madison meant a lot to me, though.
"Miss Stewart," she corrected.
I choked up and felt threatened by tears, "Miss Stewart..." I suddenly forgot what I was going to say.
"Yes?" She looked at me. I noticed that she had no sight of depression or regret on her face. Her eyes held no tears. She had emotions like we never happened.
"That's it? You're just gonna leave. After all we done, you're just going to walk out like that!" I couldn't hold back everything that had just left my mouth.
She was speechless.
I stood up, grabbed my belongings and walked out the room. Slamming the door behind me. I walked down the hallway to my car, passing Mr. Neil.
"Miss Bradford, you're suppose to be in detention."
"Fuck detention!" I said as I continued to walk in anger to my vehicle.
I should've expected this. There's no way that we could've had a happy ending.
I slammed my car door as I sat on the drivers seat. I threw my bag in the passengers seat and brushed back my hair with both of my hands. I bit the skin off my thumb as I thought on what to do. Then I knew exactly where to go.


I pulled up to Sherwood Apartments and knocked on apartment number 129.
"Alex! What are you doing here?" Donna had asked, then she noticed that something was bothering me. She grabbed my hand pulling me inside, "Come in."
I sat on the couch as she closed the door behind us. She then sat down beside me, cross legged.
"What's wrong, dear?"
"Madison..." I swallowed my sorrow, "She's done with me."
"Oh," she placed her hand on my knee and I felt my heart stop for a second. "I'm so sorry, I know the feeling."
I had nothing else to say. I wanted to cry, but I refused to show weakness. I stared at the wall in front of us as her hand began to rub my outer thigh.
"You look fucking hot today," she said trying to make me feel better.
I smirked, "Thanks."
Her hand then moved to my inner thigh, which she knew I had a soft spot there. I didn't stop her, I needed to get Madison off my mind. I just don't know how.
I was still staring at the wall when I felt lips on my neck. I closed my eyes and bit my bottom lip as she hit my weak spot.
"I can make you forget about her," she whispered into my ear, still rubbing my inner thigh.
I moved my head to find our eyes making contact. I looked down at her lips, they looked so soft. My hand swept back her hair from her face and our faces slowly got closer to one another.
Suddenly our lips were attached. My hand feel down to her neck, then her breasts. I noticed that she wasn't wearing a bra, she most likely got done showering. She never put on a bra after showering.
I smiled as she bit her lip. She pushed me down on the couch and climbed on top of me, pulling off her black muscle shirt. Her hips began a movement, turning me on. She flipped her hair to one side then placed her lips back on mine.
I gave a small moan as she kissed my neck. She continued to do that as she unbuttoned my shirt, revealing my chest. Her hands gripped my breasts, still moving her hips.
I pushed her off of me, making her land on her back at the other end of the couch. I sat up, taking off my top then climbed on top of Donna.
I kissed her then kissed my way down to her red and grey Nike running shorts, pulling them off.

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