Chapter 24

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"How was I suppose to know she was going to be there? I didn't pull this on myself, you know," I explained to Madison in the car as I drove her back home.

It was silent. I quickly glanced over to Maddie and saw she was just staring out the window.

"Oh, come on, Maddie!"

"You know she stared at me with a look obviously saying 'Ha, I slept with your girl'," her voice rose a little.

"I know, I saw. I couldn't just simply call her out for it. Haven would've been confused as hell, and Kirsten doesn't need to see how fucked up we are right now. So, please, forgive me."

"I'll think on it."

My mouth hung open by an inch, "You're fucking with me, right?"

She shrugged her shoulders and rolled her eyes back out the window.

I studied her for a moment, "You're on your period, aren't you?"

"The fuck is that suppose to mean?" She snapped back.

"Well, you're extra moody whenever you are..."

"Yes... I am."

I let go of the wheel with my right hand, then placed it in hers.


I got up before my alarm went off this morning, not sure why because I went to bed late last night. I went to my closet and gathered my clothes for the day; leather jacket, black skinny jeans, and a wine red dress shirt. I went into my bathroom for a quick shower and to change.

Time passed by as I swung my book bag over my shoulder and grabbed my phone from the charger. I plugged in my headphones as I made my way down the hall and out the front door. I scrolled through my playlists and reached Pierce The Veil. I turned up the volume as high as it'll go and placed the phone in my jacket pocket.

I honestly wasn't expecting for Madison to pick me up, nothing happened between us. Just some days she acts like she would risk her entire world to be with me and some days she could care less. You honestly can't expect much attention, she is a teacher after all, and she obviously cares a lot about her job.

With my walk seeming short due to the music, I finally reached the front doors of the prison, also known as school. I was immediately greeted by no other than Brooke, and some girl I haven't seen before. She was probably an underclassmen, I never seem to pay attention to them.

"Hey, Alex, meet Lorelei. She's new." Brooke introduced the both of us.

I pulled one earbud from my ear and offered to shake her hand, "hey."

"I decided to take her in. She doesn't know anyone here," Brooke glanced her eyes over to Lorelei.

Lorelei was a beautiful girl, but I can tell by the way she dresses she's not my type. Brooke seemed to be taken an interest in her, I could tell by the way she looks at her. I'm sure it'll wear off soon, though, when she gets to know her. If anything Lorelei's bisexual but prefers men, which on other words, she's straight. 

"I was homeschooled for a long time," she spoke. Her voice is soft, like an innocent angel. I heard an accent as well like she was desperately trying to shield it. 

I started walking towards my locker, for school was to begin in a few minutes, "Well, Lorelei. welcome to Kepston High. As long as you find the right people, you'll do fine here. You've already found Brooke, therefore you're fucked. Literally." 

Lorelei held a blank expression on her face like she was thinking about a lot of things. I lightly laughed as I pulled out my Geometry folder. 

"Don't mess with her like that, Alex," Brooke playfully pushed me. "You're fine as long as you're with me," she addressed over to Lorelei. 

I smirked at Brooke's lame attempt at flirting. I closed my locker and turned to the two, "Well, I'm going to class. I'm sure Brooke here will show you where your classes are and every camera blind spot."

"What?" Lorelei was confused, "Why do I need to know the blind spots?" 

"Bye," I smiled and left Brooke to explain. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2017 ⏰

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