Chapter 20

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We finally reached Mr. Neil's office. I was still wrapping my head around on what Madison... Miss Stewart, had said to me.
I felt the grip letting me go as I heard the office door close. I just stood there, staring at the ground in both anger and shock.
"Seriously, Alex?" Mr. Neil said as he leaned his body on his desk.
I was silent.
"Alex?!" He screamed at me causing me to jump out of my thoughts.
"What is wrong with you?" He crossed his arms.
"Everything," I spoke softly.
"What do you mean everything?"
I sighed, "Mr. Neil, I don't know if you ever been there or not but my life is going to complete shit all of a sudden..."
I was interrupted, "Language, Bradford."
"I don't give a fuck about my language right now!... Sorry... All I want is to lie down and just forget about the world for the rest of my life!" I allowed my weight to rely on the wall to hold me up as my hands covered my face.
Mr. Neil's voice softened, "Do you wish to see the councilor?"
"Fuck, I don't know anymore."
"I think you should see her, talk about a few things. In the meantime you have 2 weeks worth of detention," he said filling out a yellow piece of paper and handing it to me.
"You know I'm not going to go."
"I'm aware, at least go one day, two if you're generous enough."
I gave a chuckle, "yeah, okay."
I grabbed the paper and turned to walk out the door just before he stopped me one last time.
"I'll call you out of class to see the councilor, you need to attend first period. Geometry is your weakest subject right now."
I nodded and left his office. The bell to begin school had already rung, so I was late to first period. Well, I shouldn't be since I was in the office.
I walked down the hall, folding the piece of paper and sticking it into my pocket. I had left my belongings in Miss Stewart's room from this morning. I arrived at the door and I knocked using the back of my knuckles.
The door swung open nearly giving enough time to fly out of the way. There at the door stood her. She was angry, obviously.
"You're late," she said to me as I walked in. I glanced at my seat and saw she had placed my belongings at my desk.
"I was in the office with Mr. Neil. You know that," I sat down at my desk, looking at the paper the other students had already received.
"I don't care where you were. You should be to class on time, no matter your issue," she leaned against her wooden podium.
I bit the side of my tongue trying not to urge on the argument.
"Now, class, before we were rudely interrupted by Miss Bradford, as I was saying..."
"Rudely interrupted my ass! I could've not shown up," I slammed my pencil down on my desk.
"Wouldn't have bothered me any! It's your education, not mine," she snapped back quickly.
I admit, I was not expecting that response. My brows furrowed and I began to bite my lower lip.
"Fuck you," I said under my breath, not letting her hear me.
"Excuse me?" How the hell did she actually hear that?
"You're excused," I crossed my arms and slouched in my desk. I heard a few chuckles here and there throughout the room. Then I heard her slam the marker that was in her hand down.
I cocked my eyes up to find her with her arms crossed and biting her lip. She always bit her lip when she was angry. She was so cute, and I fucking hated it. It just made things a lot harder.
"Get out of my classroom," she said holding back the anger that built up inside her.
"My pleasure, Miss Stewart!" I yelled grabbing my belongings.
Just before I started to head to the door I was stopped by it being opened.
"Miss Stewart?" Mr. Neil asked.
"Yes?" She said calming down.
"May I take Alex?" he asked again.
"Please," she replied picking up the marker.
I didn't say anything, I quickened my pace to the door to where Mr. Neil was standing. I slipped through into the hallway and watched as he closed the door.
"Walk with me, Alex," he said as he started to walk down the hallway. I followed alongside him.
"I heard the trouble you were giving Miss Stewart, what was that about?" He slipped his hands into his pockets.
"She yelled at me for being late," I said while adjusting my bag on my shoulder.
"Did you tell her you were in my office?" We came up to the stairs that lead us up to the second floor.
"Yeah, she said that she didn't care."
"Mhm, I'll have a word with her."
We were quiet while traveling up the staircase.
"Where are we going?" I asked curiously.
"The councilor, I was going to wait but I was roaming the halls and heard the argument. Thought I'd save you the trouble and just take you now."
I never been to the councilor's office before, so I didn't know where it was located. Neil must've known that otherwise I don't think he would've walked with me.
We stopped at a door with fogged glass. On the outside it read councilor's office. Well I guess I never paid much attention to the doors.
Neil lightly knocked on the door before entering with a 'come in.'
"Mrs. Garters, this is Alex Bradford. I think you two should talk," he said introducing me. The woman was young, probably not even in her thirties yet. She had brown hair that she curled, she had on a light amount of makeup, and she had a basic style in fashion.
"I'll leave you two to it. You know where I'm at if you need me," he said as he closed the door, leaving me stranded in the middle of the room.
The only lighting was by lamps, the ceiling lights were turned off. The walls were a reddish-brown color. Positive quotes were hung on the wall throughout the room. Two cushioned chairs sat in front of Mrs. Garters' desk.
"Have a seat, Alex. Make yourself comfortable," she said as she positioned herself in her black chair.
I nervously took my bag off my shoulder and sat it beside me as I sat down.
"What's been going on?" She asked and she folded her hands on her desk.
"I-I don't feel comfortable expressing my feelings right now," I said wiping my palms on my pants.
"Okay, that's understandable, since you just met me."
I smiled trying to be friendly. We sat in silence for a while before she broke it.
"I heard you were in a nasty wreck the other day."
"You okay?" She asked being concerned.
"Never better," I intertwined my fingers with each other.
"How did it happen, if I may ask? Everything said in this room stays in this room. I won't tell anyone, not even your parents, unless it's suicidal."
I gave myself a few thoughts before answering, "drinking while driving."
"That's not good. Why were you drinking, especially at your age?"
"To get things off my mind. Helps me forget the pain I'm feeling," I said while looking at my feet.
"What kind of pain?" Her voice never seemed to rise, it always stayed calm.
I didn't say anything.
"Physical or mental?"
"Is there a cause for that?"
"I don't want to say," I looked up into her bright blue eyes.
"Okay," she said understanding.
The bell rang, signaling the students to go to second period.
"I sh-should go," I said stuttering. I was nervous, I never talked to someone about my emotions before. I didn't know what to say and I didn't want completely random strangers knowing my business.
"Okay, just know I'm always here if you need to talk. Even if it's just a everyday thing that has happened. I'm here," she said.
I smiled and stood, grabbing my bag and throwing it on my shoulder. My next class was already on this floor so I'll get there earlier than usual. I walked over to the door and opened it.
"Thank you," I said as I slipped out.

Suspense (TeacherxStudent) (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now