Chapter Two

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(A/N: Pic above are Kamina's cats... You already know the three cats above so I'll introduce the cats below... From right to left; Natsumi, Mari, Raiden, Kasumi, Hiyuna and Hiroshi)

Chapter Two


My heart was beating faster than it ever had…. Kamina, the girl I love, was standing right in front of me… I was breathless at how she looked. Is it possible for someone to become more beautiful every single time you see her? Right now, Kamina was really taking my breath away. Her hair that used to be let down was now tied up in a ponytail and the ribbon she used to wear on her hair was long gone. Her eyes were now framed by large black glasses that really suited her… Her clothes consisted of a red sleeveless kimono top that had black outlines that showed her belly button. She wore black shorts that reached up to her mid thigh that had fishnet shorts inside that reached up to her knees. She wore black ninja sandals. All in all, she was beautiful… more beautiful than before.

“What brings you all here to my hideout? Sasuke being here alone must prove that the rumors are true. I never thought someone like you could kill Orochimaru, Sasuke” she said, as if I was just a friend that she was hanging out with. S-she’s changed… I think… She said she still loved me…. But why doesn’t it seem like it? Has she already moved on?

“Yeah, Sasuke killed him. He’s here to invite you” Suigetsu said

“Invite me?” Kamina questioned

“To join his team”

“Oh! What are your motives for creating a team, Sasuke?” she asked me. As our eyes made contact, I couldn’t help but be captivated by how beautiful they still are… We stared at each other for a while longer before she decided to break the contact.

“Um… M-my purpose in forming a team is to kill Itachi” I answered with slight nervousness.

“Kill Itachi? Why do you need me in your team?” Kamina asked with her head tilted to the side.

I was silent for a while, just staring at her beauty. Suigetsu nudged me on the side causing me to come back to reality.

“Uh… I’ve heard from Suigetsu, Karin and Jugo that your skills are quite impressive. Almost surpassing Orochimaru’s even before you came to him for power. Surely, I thought that having you in my team would make it easier for me to find Itachi and kill him” I answered

“And why would I join your team? What makes you think I’ll agree to this?” she questioned as Hiyuna came up beside her and wagged her furry tail against Kamina’s legs.

“Aw c’mon, Ka! Orochimaru’s already long gone! What’s the point in staying in this hideout with your nine cats?!” Suigetsu said

“That’s just it, Suigetsu. Orochimaru is long gone which means that I have no purpose in staying here nor do I gave a purpose in acquainting myself with his former acquaintances. Besides, your team is fine without me. You’ve got Karin, who is obviously a sensory type based on the chakra I sense from her. You’ve got Jugo who can be used for either offense or defense. Sasuke is the brain of the group, thinking of battle strategies and attacking when necessary. You, Suigetsu, could be back-up or offense. What do you need me for when your team is already capable of locating Itachi?” she asked

Suigetsu stared at the floor in defeat as he sighed… “I knew you’d use your smart mouth on me” he said

“I’m just stating facts, Sui” Kamina said making Suigetsu smile.

“You called me by the nickname you gave me” he said amused.

“Yeah well, saying your name is too troublesome… It’s too long not like Karin’s and Jugo’s names” she said

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