Chapter Six

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(A/N: Thank you so much for all of your amazing support, everyone! Sleeping in your arms just got 5K views! Seriously?! You guys are amazing!)

Chapter Six


"Let's stop here for the night" I stated making all of them halt and stare at me with wide eyes.

"What did you just say?" Suigetsu asked incredulously.

I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion. "I said let's stop here for the night" I repeated

Kamina was silent and frozen for a few moments until she screamed making all of us jump.

"WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DID YOU DO TO SASUKE?!" she shouted while flailing her arms in the air.

"What are you talking about?" I asked with confusion still evident on my face.

Are they nuts? Did they drink something while I wasn't looking?

"WHO ARE YOU?!" Kamina repeated much louder making me almost laugh.

"I'm Sasuke!" I answered with my arms in front of me.

"NO! You're lying! What did you do to him?!" Kamina continued but I could see amusement in her greenish-blue eyes as we continued to argue or should I say, joke around.

"Nothing! I'm Sasuke! Sasuke Uchiha!" I said with a smirk slowly creeping onto my face... I miss our moments like this.

"Prove it!" Kamina demanded childishly and I could see Suigetsu, Karin and Jugo watching us with amused smirks.

"Prove it?" I smirked as I thought of a cool idea.

"Yeah, prove it!"

"You sure about that, Mina-chan?" I said in the most seductive tone I could muster. Kamina looked at me straight in the eyes and I smirked as I saw that her aura suddenly changed from hyper to a bit nervous. I walked closer to her and was thankful that she wasn't taking steps back.

"I... Y-yeah... Y-yeah, prove it" she stuttered nervously making my smirk widen as I inched closer and closer to her.

Her sweet innocent eyes looked up at me as my face was only inches away from hers. I smirked and leaned closer to her ear.

"I can prove that I'm Sasuke Uchiha just by doing this" I said as I ran my hands down her arms, causing her goose bumps. I smirked and inched closer.

"Do I make you nervous?" I asked as I pulled back and stared at her, her beauty and uniqueness.

She bit her lip causing my insides to explode... She is so seductive and she doesn't even know it. We stared at each other for a while before Kamina suddenly pulled away. I instantly missed her warmth as her back faced me.

"Let's start camp" she said in a cold voice, all signs of her hyper self now gone.

What happened? Why is she back to being cold? What have I done? Did I offend her?

Probably sensing her sudden change of mood, the others immediately got to work. Kamina once again volunteered to get firewood and I once again obliged to go with her. We stood silent in the forest surrounding us as Kamina started to get wood while I just watched her. Contemplating whether to ask her or not, I finally gave in.

"What did I do?" I asked

She faced me, her eyes back to their emotionless state like before. "Nothing" she answered a she started to walk away.

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