Chapter Eighteen

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A/N: Enjoy this chapter guys because I had a little fun writing it myself! Sigh... A few more chapters left and it's done! I can't wait for you guys to read the last chapter! You're all going to LOVE it! Mwahhhh!

Chapter Eighteen


The Village Hidden in the Clouds was getting nearer as I leaped through the trees, keeping sure to be as quiet as possible since Sasuke has appointed me the task of being a surprise attacker if ever we got ambushed. Below me jumping on the lower branches of trees are Karin, Jugo, Suigetsu and Sasuke.

"Hey, Kamina-chan! How much farther is the village?" Suigetsu asks for the second time since we left the campsite a few hours ago.

Sasuke glares at Suigetsu from the corner of his eye, lips lowering into a scowl. "Be quiet and don't talk to her! She's supposed to stay hidden so don't give her position away!" he reprimands with a slight growl to his voice.

I am unable to refrain from smirking, finding his attitude slightly amusing. Ever since we've left the campsite, Sasuke has returned to his cold demeanor but he unusually gets angry with Suigetsu every time he tries to engage into conversation with me. I can imagine how pissed off Suigetsu has gotten from Sasuke's constant retorts and glares. Either way, seeing Sasuke jealous is a funny sight at a time like this.

Deciding on irritating the Uchiha further, I jump down towards the lower branch for a moment and smile as I leap through the trees with a frowning Suigetsu.

"Not that far, Sui-kun. Just fifteen minutes tops if we keep up our current speed" I say sweetly which earned me a smile form the shark-like boy.

Sasuke snaps his head at the mention of my nickname for Suigetsu, glaring daggers at me like his looks could kill. Sending him a teasing smirk and salute, I jump back up to the higher branch of the next tree. I inwardly giggle when I see two anime veins popping out of Sasuke's forehead as he grinds his teeth back and forth in irritation.

I kind of find it funny messing with Sasuke during the past few hours. His reaction to my teasing is quite amusing because he momentarily loses his cold demeanor and visibly shows his annoyance. Besides, his irritation helps lighten up my mood... The annoyed face that he makes resembles the way he reacts when Naruto used to annoy him back when we still did silly D-ranked missions when we were Team Seven.

We arrive at the village gates at exactly fifteen minutes, as I predicted. Entering the village, we are greeted by the normal busy clatters and chatters from the salesmen in booths and the villagers scattering about. The part of the village we were currently on didn't seem too crowded so we were able to walk through the streets calmly.

It kind of seems weird... Walking around this village wearing Akatsuki cloaks yet no one pays us any attention... Well, I'm not wearing an Akatsuki cloak since I refused to be labelled as one but the other four were wearing them.

A smile breaks onto my face when I see a little girl with a Hidden Cloud headband around her neck pointing towards a sharp katana showcased behind the glass window of a weapon's store. A ninja much older than the girl drags her into the shop, probably to get her the katana.

My thoughts are interrupted when the person in front of me stops, causing me to bump into Jugo's back.

"Whoops... Sorry, Jugo" I apologize, rubbing his back gently.

He turns his head around, sending me a kind smile. "It's no problem, Kamina-san" he says.

"Where do you suppose the Hachibi's hiding?" Sasuke asks, eyes alert as they scan the village.

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