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Years have passed since the Fourth Great Shinobi War. Peace has been reigning over the shinobi world for years now. Of course, there were still rogues wandering about but the Five Great Nations were united and that's as far as peace can get.

And within one powerful nation, inside the Village Hidden in the Leaf, you will find many of the great heroes that have won us the battle against evil.

Especially one very special Jinchuuriki that has finally achieved his dream.



A cloak made of the finest cloth swivels as the man wearing it turns to face a young boy that resembles him. The man wears a hat that had the fire symbol on its front as he smiles down at his son.

"Ah, Boruto" he hums, placing his hand on his son's blonde hair.

Boruto huffs, Hinata smiling as she approaches with a young Himawari.

"You said you'd be home for Himawari's birthday!" Boruto screams, voice echoing through the halls of the Hokage Tower.

The great hero now the Hokage, Uzumaki Naruto, smiles. Although he is tired from all the work, his smile stays vibrant and kind.

"I'll be home for her birthday. I promise" he says, giving Boruto a thumbs-up.

"Promise?" the younger Uzumaki asks hopefully.

"I never go back on my word, son" Naruto nods.

Himawari breaks free from her mother's hold, running up to wrap her arms around her father's waist.

"Oto-san, can we visit Auntie Kamina on our way home?" Himawari asks hopefully.

The mention of the name of his dearest friend makes Naruto's heart clench. But instead, he smiles down at his little girl and ruffles her hair.

"Sure we can, Himawari... Actually, it's been a while since I visited her... I think that's a good idea" he smiles sadly.

Hinata notices this and wraps her arms around Naruto to comfort him.

"It's okay, Naruto-kun... She's has been at peace for a long time now" she whispers as both Boruto and Himawari run down the halls, laughing and smiling.

The sight of his children makes Naruto smile. "I know... Let's go, Hinata" he smiles, giving his wife a kiss as they follow their children down the hall.


"Inojin is so going to get hurt!" Ino says through her teeth.

"Just relax, Ino. They're probably still in class" Shikamaru sighs, rubbing the back of his neck in annoyance.

"Yeah *crunch**crunch* Shikamaru's right" Choji agrees, stuffing his face with a bag of barbecue chips.

"I still see no reason why the kids have to waste their time in this when there aren't any wars anymore" Karui, Choji's wife, huffs.

Ino's head snaps in her direction. "It's a family tradition. Deal with it" she snaps.

Sai sighs exasperatedly, slinging his arm around Ino's shoulder to calm her down. I guess being a mother has its side effects.... or was she always this annoyed?

"I bet Shikadai is going to head straight home to take a nap. He's lazy like that" Shikamaru groans to himself.

"Yeah, I wonder where he got that from" Temari smirks making Shikamaru smirk as well.

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