Chapter Nine

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A/N: Okay, first off, I would like to once again apologize for not updating in a long, long, long time! My teachers keep giving us homework and I hardly get any sleep. I'm able to update today because classes are suspended today and tomorrow... hopefully it'll also be suspended the next day so our exams would be delayed. But back to the topic, I'm sorry and here's another chappie.

Question: Was kamina flashed into the future? (by grandegirl128 )

Answer: First of all, I missed you too. <3 <3 <3. Technically, what happened in the last chapter where Kamina ended up in a house with her daughter Kiyomi, son Daichi, and husband Sasuke (squeals), was a possibility. Meaning, what happened there COULD be what her future would be like but if a tragedy struck and she wasn't able to survive, then that would just probably be false hope.

Okay, that's about it! And thanks for everyone who's supported this story! You guys rock! Keep sending questions and random comments!

Chapter Nine


"It's working!" Izumo cheered as the dark chakra around Kamina subsided. Kamina started to fall to the ground unconscious with burn marks covering most part of her body along with some bruises that were probably the effects of the chakra... Two of her cats caught her before she could hit the concrete floor...

"She's safe" I sighed in relief...

"Heh, this will make our job much easier" the guy, Hidan, said as he lifted his blade... We all froze on the spot... Damn it! They're still here! They're after both Asuma-sensei and Kamina, who are not in the best condition at the moment... We are doomed!

Suddenly, a flock of hawks appeared out of nowhere before two familiar people appeared...

"We're here!" one of them said.

Choji appeared and lifted Asuma-sensei by the arm... "Shikamaru, we came to help" he said

"Kamina?" Ino questioned once she appeared and lifted the bruised girl by the arm...

"Guys, take Shikamaru and the others to safety!" the other guys who appeared ordered.

"Oh no! I'm not letting you take my bounty!" the other guy with Hidan said but they suddenly froze in place.

They started to talk to themselves as if they were talking to someone in their psyche. A few moments later they disappeared which caused curiosity to bubble up inside me as to why they would suddenly retreat. My attention was caught as Asuma-sensei coughed out blood.

"Asuma-sensei!" Ino, Choji and I screamed as we knelt in front of our bloodied sensei...

"Ino, do something!" I said frantically.

Ino laid Kamina down beside Asuma-sensei... "I'll perform my medical ninjutsu" she said with the same panicked voice as her hands started to glow green...

"It's alright" Asuma-sensei muttered, making all of us gasp... He's still alive! There's still time!

"This... This is it for me... Even I know that much... You guys should know that as well" he said weakly.

"Shut up and just be quiet!" I said angrily... He can't die... No, he has to live...

Ino looked down at the ground as tears started to form in her eyes... Right there and then, I knew that there was nothing more that could be done to save Asuma... I stared at her in disbelief for a moment before looking at the floor, trying to keep in the tears from falling... This is all my fault! Darn it!

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