Chapter Ten

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A/N: Okay, I'm apologizing because it's been a LOOOOONGGGG TIME since I've updated. And seriously, school is to blame! Lol! I've been busy these past few weeks and I hardly even get eight hours of sleep anymore. But anyway, I couldn't keep you guys waiting any longer! So here's another dose of vitaman SAMINA!

Chapter Ten


"Where is she? She's been gone for twenty-four hours!" I frantically asked the three cats.

"She's fine, Sasuke! And it's hasn't been twenty-four hours so don't be dramatic and calm down!" Chiharu said beside Karin near the bonfire...

I stared at the night sky for a few moments before sighing and sitting beside Leiko... "You're right... I'm overreacting..." I said

"You're really concerned for Kamina, Sasuke... Is there something we should know?" Suigetsu asked

I gave him a slight glare. "Nothing that involves any of you, Suigetsu" I said flatly... Suigetsu stared at me with uncertainty before focusing his eyes on the fire... Yeah, she'll never be yours because she's mine so back off... Wow, I never knew I was the jealous type... Damn, Kamina makes me crazy at times...

Just as an awkward silence started, a puff of smoke suddenly appeared making me stand up from my seat...

"See, I told you she's fine" Chiharu smirked as the smoke started to clear...

When the fog finally subsided, our eyes all widened at the sight...

"Okay so maybe she's not so okay" Chiharu said as we were greeted by the sight of Kamina... all bruised and burned... on top of Hiroshi...

I quickly ran towards them and took Kamina off Hiroshi's back and into my arms... I stroked her burned cheek and called her name softly before facing her cats...

"What happened?" I asked

The cats did not answer and instead looked at each other unsurely causing me to ask again...

"What happened" I questioned with more authority causing Mari to sigh...

"Well the others aren't tough enough so I guess I'll tell 'ya... Kamina left because she sensed great danger happening to some Konoha shinobi since she placed some kind of jutsu on them that informs her if something bad is happening. So when she arrived at the place where the guys were, she had to fight two extremely strong Akatsuki members and then her sensei died so she got slightly mad which caused her demon to get out and engulf her in dark chakra which caused her body to turn like this... So yeah, that's the summary of it"

"What?! Yakumitsu got out?!" Leiko asked

"Almost...." Hiroshi answered

"Akatsuki? Who?" Toshiko asked

"Hidan and Kakuzu" Hiyuna replied

"Who died? Kakashi-sensei?" I asked... I know I left them... But I still care for them...

"No... If it was Kakashi-sensei then Kamina would have never survived... It was Asuma-sensei... But be prepared for Kamina's sobs when she wakes up... She really cares about all of them" Natsumi said

"Wait, how did she even control Yakumitsu?" Chiharu questioned.

"Well... This guy named Shikamaru thought of an awesome plan to show Kamina what she loves the most by means of genjutsu so that's what we did and Kamina was able to overcome hatred by love... Cool isn't it?" Raiden said

Well... I think I owe Shikamaru a lot for saving my girl...

"Anyway, you should let her rest. Those bruises and burns will eventually heal on their own since she has Yaku inside her... She should wake up in about... 4 hours? Maybe so" Hiyuna instructed as she walked towards a corner and lied on the ground...

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