Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: I'm back! Guess what? I'm making a new story and I'll be posting it pretty soon. Anyway, let me begin my rant by apologizing. I haven't updated since December and that's, like, a long time ago! Lol. Anyway, here's the chapter again! Guys, it's almost done! Just five more chapters to go and Kamina and Sasuke will be no more.... *crying*

So without further ado, here is your new chappie! Enjoy and don't forget to comment, vote and all the other things!


Chapter Fifteen


"Akamaru, cut it out, boy!"

"Arf, arf! Grrr!"

"Damn it, Mari, what did you say to him?!"

"What are you blaming me for?! The dog's stupid!"

"Hey, that's my dog you're insulting!"

"Um... I think you should intervene, Kamina-chan" Raiden said with a sweatdrop along with my other cats and friends.

"You don't say" I said with an anime vein on my forehead as I watched the scene in front of me.

"Ow! Damn it, you're squishing me here!" Kasumi complained as she was sandwiched in between Akamaru and Mari who were both trying so hard to beat the pulp out of one another.

"Akamaru, sit down, boy!" Kiba practically begged as he held Akamaru back by his tail.

Having enough of this, I stomped my way towards them. I grabbed Mari's right ear and Akamaru's left ear and held it a bit high which caused the two of them to complain.


"Arf, arf!"

"Now... what happened?" I said, loosening my grip on their ears as if I were a mother scolding her children.

"Arf, arf, arf. Grrr!" Akamaru explained

"That is so not true!" Mari objected as she tried to wiggle out of my grip.

"It seems like it's true. Mari, why the hell would you call Akamaru stupid, anyway?" I asked

"Because he's a dog!" she said

"Is that all?" I asked her.

She looked up at me before her head hung low... "He got saliva on my fur" she said childishly

I giggled and released them. "Alright, I get it now. Akamaru, apologize to her and vice versa" I ordered.

The two of them stared at each other unsure before scoffing and turning away... Cats and dogs... Pft!

"Now!" I ordered, tapping my foot on the ground.

They both sighed before obeying my command.

"I'm sorry, Akamaru"

"Arf! Arf!" Akamaru barked before going up to Mari and licking her left cheek.

"Ew! That's so gross!" Mari said with a hint of a smile on her cheek.

I smiled at the two of them before going back to my usual spot beside Shikamaru. We, me and the rest of my friends, are currently gathered at some playground in the Leaf. I've introduced my cats to all of them a while ago and they have seemed to get along well. Neji was currently having a conversation about chakra control with Hiroshi, Toshiko was messing around with Naruto and Choji, Chiharu was busy with Tenten, Natsumi was with Ino and Sakura, Kasumi was getting all comfortable with Hinata and Shino, Raiden was having a taijutsu spar with Lee, Mari was playing with Akamaru and Kiba, Sai was talking with Hiyuna and smiling once in a while, and I was having a shogi match with Shikamaru with Leiko's head laying comfortable on my lap.

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