Chapter Twenty

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A/N: I didn't want to keep you guys waiting so two chapters in one day. First of all, before you read this chapter and complain to me afterwards, I would just like to say that this chapter made me sad too. But what I did was for a good reason... You'll see in the epilogue which I will hopefully be able to finish before exams.

P.S. You guys have been awesome readers and I can't believe this is about to end... Enjoy, you guys! I hope I made you cry! If not then I'm about to.

Chapter Twenty


I know he's in there. I can feel his chakra along with two other people. Inside the hideout, it feels oddly more intimidating than what I had first thought. Probably because Karin, Jugo and Suigetsu are no longer here. Sasuke just left them back at the Summit to care for themselves.

I sense Sasuke, Obito and Zetsu inside the room to my right and I immediately stop walking. My hands stay on top the doorknob but it won't turn it for some reason. Maybe I'm just scared of what I'll see behind this door. Maybe I'm scared that I'll still see that same Sasuke I saw back at the Summit.

'Go inside'

I'm kind of scared, Yakumitsu.

'That's normal to be scared. But you have to face what you're scared of'

I know that, Yaku... It's just that the thought of seeing Sasuke like that again is too much for me.

'Yes... But you can't keep running away forever'

I sigh... Yakumitsu does have a point... With shaking hands, I slowly turn the knob and open the door.

The first thing that I see is Sasuke sitting on a bed. Zetsu and Obito stand close to him, looking like they've just finishes cleaning and healing his injuries.

"So nice of you to join us, traitor" Obito greets disdainfully, hands clenching around the cleaning towel he's holding.

I sigh, closing the door behind me. "I need to talk to Sasuke" I say firmly, keeping my gaze hard and firm.

Obito snorts. "The question is, does he want to talk to you?" he inquires.

My eyes land on Sasuke but he merely sends me a glare before turning his head away. His rejection was like a slap in the face but I held my ground.

"Well, seems like he doesn't want to talk to you either. So I suggest you get out and we'll talk later instead" he says threateningly making me growl.

"You don't intimidate me, asshole" I sneer.

Obito growls, forcefully throwing the towel he was holding and stomping towards me. Zetsu stops him however, calming him down with words I wasn't able to catch.

Obito reluctantly turns around to tend to Sasuke once again. I huff out a breath of irritation before attempting once again.

"Sasuke, can I please talk to you?" I ask gently, opting for a different approach.

He ignores me, glaring at a wall as Zetsu heals the wounds on his back. Obito stays silent, staring at what Zetsu was doing.

My annoyance increases when Sasuke still doesn't acknowledge me after three minutes. Deciding that being nice wasn't going to work, I decide on focusing a large ball of wind on my palm. With great ease, I throw the ball of wind towards Sasuke, sending him flying towards the wall.

He growls, pushing himself off the wall and stalking towards me. "What's your problem?!" he shouts in my face.

I smirk in triumph. "Got your attention, huh?" I mock.

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