Chapter Four

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(A/N: A picture of Inao, Takagawa and Sawamatsu... You'll find out who they are later! ^)

Chapter Four


“Woah!” Suigetsu said as he saw the food that Kamina prepared.

“It looks really delicious… Did you cook all of this, Kamina?” Karin asked with bulging eyes that were staring intently at the main dish that Kamina cooked.

Kamina, who sat on the rock where she fed me a while ago, smiled and nodded. “Eat up. We’ll be traveling for four more days after this” she said as she scratched Natsumi’s back gently.

Taking no time to waste, Karin, Suigetsu and Jugo immediately devoured the food. I couldn’t blame them… Kamina’s the goddess of cooking.

Once they were finished, there was nothing left on the table except for the bowls and plates that once had food, delicious food, on them. Kamina, seeing the aftermath of their hunger, giggled and stood up.

“You guys sure know how to eat” she said as she took out a scroll.

“That was delicious! I love your cooking!” Karin exclaimed as she rubbed her belly.

“Better than shark food” Suigetsu smirked as he drank from his water bottle.

“Best meal I’ve ever tasted… Kamina, you have the potential to be a great wife someday” Jugo said with a smile making my eyes widen while Suigetsu started to choke from sudden shock…

Kamina, who was putting the table back into her scroll, blushed a shade of crimson as she looked at the ground in embarrassment. Eventually, Kamina found the courage to speak after that… disturbing feedback.

“Um… Thank you, guys… And thanks for that… astonishing remark, Jugo” she said with a blush still on her cheeks.

Jugo, oblivious to the fact of her embarrassment, smiled. “No problem, Kamina” he said

After that awkward moment, we repacked and continued with our journey and Kamina sent her cats back to Wyuju Valley. As we walked, I noticed how Kamina was still blushing from the corner of my eyes… I also noticed how Suigetsu was staring intently at her, as if he was hoping for something. I felt my hands clench into fists at a thought… He better not like my Mina-chan or he’ll have to face me… She’s mine and only mine…

“Sasuke-kun! Are you alright?” Karin’s annoying voice spoke up causing everyone to land their gaze on me. Kamina, who turned her head, caught me staring at her making the both of us blush… I faced forward and sighed.

“Yes, I’m fine. Now keep moving” I said and that seemed to shut them up as we continued to travel.

After a few hours more of walking, Kamina halted and took out a katana… Her eyes were closed as she held a firm grip on her weapon. We all stopped at her actions.

“Kamina, what’s wrong?” I asked, knowing her senses could pick up anything that screams danger.

She stood silent, not answering and I immediately knew that she was trying to focus.

“What’s going on?” as soon as the words left Karin’s mouth, Kamina snapped her eyes open.

“Incoming attack!” she screamed.

All of us were quick to duck as a large arrow made of fire flew past the spot where our heads once were. Karin, who was the last one to duck, sighed in relief.  “We could have died” she said as we all stood up.

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