Chapter Eight

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A/N: Okay, before you guys start shouting abuse because I haven't updated for a month, I would like to say SORRY! It's just that I was making the most of my vacation since school's kinda like hell when it starts again. Lol, I know I've been a selfish bitch! But hey, here's another chappie! Oh, and I kind of changed the plot a little bit so don't be confused when you guys read Hidan and Kakuzu in this chapter. Anyway, this chapter is personally one of my favorites since there's a lot of sweet SaMina scenes here. Honestly guys, you need to help me with Sasuke and Kamina's ship name! 'Samina' kinda sounds like the lyrics to the song 'Waka Waka'. Hehehehe. Anyway, PLEASE READ THE AUTHOR'S NOTE AT THE END OF THE CHAPTER SINCE I RARELY LEAVE NOTES AT THE END OF THE CHAPTER. I ALWAYS PUT IT IN THE BEGINNING. Picture of Sakura that I drew on the side (or above, idk) >>>^^^^

Chapter Eight


I woke up with my head lying on something hard... Opening my eyes, I discovered that it was Sasuke's chest that I was feeling... Rock hard chest, might I add... Ahh! Why am I so perverted early in the morning?! Stupid hormones, stop bugging me!!!

Last night's events suddenly came back to me and I found myself smiling as I ran my hands through Sasuke's hair... I'm back in his arms... I couldn't be even happier...

'Aw, little princess got her prince back?'

'Yaku, it's great to hear from you'

'Oh, don't pretend that you're not happy that I won't be able to destroy you in your dreams anymore, brat!'

'Actually, I am happy. But I am also happy that you are here with me, Yaku... How's everything inside that cage? Is it more comfortable now than before?'

Last time, I did a jutsu that made more space in Yaku's cage than before. I sure hope that the cat finds it more comfortable to sleep now that he has more space...

'Hmph! It's fine'

'Admit it, Yaku! You like it! It gives you more space to sleep, doesn't it?'

'Shut up, brat, or I'll kill you!'

'Fine, Yaku, I'll stop... Talk to you later, you big cat boy'

'I thought I made myself clear a few months ago that I don't like you calling me cat boy!'

'Fine! Enjoy your new cage, Yaku! I love you!'

'I hate you, brat, shut up!'

I giggled on the outside at his last comment. During these past few years, I've been trying to get Yaku to open up to me and fortunately, he is! He sometimes talks to me for hours on end and he sometimes forgets to threaten to kill me during some of our conversations. Isn't he cool?

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