Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: Okay so three chapters in one day and long chapters at that .Anyway, idk how long this is but I know it's super long. Enjoy it and sad scenes at the end. Only three more chappies to go!

Chapter Seventeen


Tobi watches with shock as the black chakra surrounding Kamina slowly vanishes before the girl finally regains her consciousness. She holds a hand to her forehead, groaning in pain before her head snaps towards Tobi.

"You" she snarls, disappearing in lightning speed and appearing right in front of the shocked Akatsuki member.

She roughly holds Tobi by the throat and pushes his back against a tree trunk. Tobi didn't even have to time to activate his jutsu! The girl became ten times faster than she was before!

"Who are you?! You're an Uchiha, aren't you?!" she snarls, activating her Mangekyo Sharingan.

Tobi chuckles, staring into her blazing hot red eyes.

"Yes... I am an Uchiha" he clarifies.

Kamina tightens her grip around his neck, clenching her teeth.

"So that means Itachi and Sasuke aren't the only ones left?!" she inquires, tightening her grip of Tobi's airway when he refuses to answer.

"Yes" he gasps, wondering why he couldn't activate his jutsu all of the sudden.

"Who are you?!" Kamina asks again, flowing her angel chakra into her hand and transferring it to Tobi to disable him from using the jutsu he uses to pass through whatever he wishes.

Tobi gasps for air, scratching at the hand holding him captive. "I.. I am Madara Uchiha" he says firmly.

Kamina loosens her grip on his throat and lets out a mocking laugh. "Nice try... I know Madara Uchiha is dead" she scoffs.

Tobi's eyes widened behind his mask, seeming to think he made the wrong choice of thinking this girl was stupid.

"I...It's true!" he argues.

Kamina glares, tightening her grip again on his airway.

"Who are you?! I know Madara Uchiha is still dead, I'm not stupid, you know! And your chakra points tell me you're about the same age as my senseis! How could you be Madara Uchiha if you're that young?! Madara died at the age much older than yours so don't think I'll fall for this joke!"

Tobi gasps, seeming to realize he can't do anything since his chakra was all wasted on trying to release Yakumitsu. All he could do was escape with his Sharingan but that was getting harder because for some reason, he can't activate that jutsu.

"Obito... Obito Uchiha!" he screams...

Kamina's eyes widened, letting Tobi go as she tries to remember where she heard that name before...

Tobi takes this opportunity to use his Sharingan... He starts to swirl into the hole in his mask, disappearing in thin air. Kamina notices this but it is too late.

"I will see you again, Kamina Sushirika!" Tobi promises, disappearing completely into another universe...

Kamina stares at the stop he once was, her thoughts clouding her mind...

"Obito... Uchiha" she mutters to herself.

A loud explosion suddenly catches her attention making her whip her head to where Sasuke and Deidara were fighting. Her eyes widened, knowing that what she heard was definitely not good. She sprints through the tree branches, trying her hardest to get there before one of them kills the other.

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