Chapter Twenty-One

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A/N: Hello readers! So I've realized that twenty chapters isn't enough to finish this story. So I'll give you an extra chapter. Do not worry, lovely readers, for the epilogue will be posted soon after.

Enjoy and here's a box of tissues.


Have you ever had the feeling of being desperate? That feeling where you are absolutely willing to surrender everything just to make something come true? That horrible churning sensation in your stomach that makes your eyes sting with unshed tears?

That's what I felt as I ran.

I ran as fast as my feet would carry me. Everything was a blur, a mixture of different colors like a kaleidoscope.

I ran, feeling the tears stinging my vision and blurring everything even further. My heart was clenching, stomach churning as his words ring into my ears endlessly.

I'm sorry, Sasuke...

I'm sorry, Sasuke...

I'm sorry, Sasuke...

I knew it wasn't true... There was just no way it was true.

But... She's... She's...

She's still here... I know she is... She would never leave me.

I see the sign for Konoha cemetery up ahead and I quickened my pace. The grassy fields covered with tombstones are serene against the orange light from the setting sun as I enter.

Off in the distance, I see the exact description he had said when I disbelieved him.

You don't believe me? Go see for yourself! At the end of the cemetery with roses decorating the tomb! That's where she's buried!

I ran to the tombstone, wanting to prove him wrong... Maybe it was another person, another girl who was mistaken as her.

The tombstone sparkled against the orange light from the sun, the roses swaying gracefully with the wind as I walked slowly up the stairs that leads to the tomb.

My heart was beating loudly that I could hear it. It was like my heart already knew something I didn't.

Please...... Please...... Not her...

I took a deep breath, preparing myself as the words carved onto the tombstone finally become clear...

My breath hitches, my heart stops...

Kamina Sushirika

The girl who made life worth living

And as I fall to my knees, Naruto's words echo one last time into my head, forever etching itself into my soul.

I'm sorry, Sasuke... But she's... Kamina is gone... forever.


He felt vulnerable. He felt weak... He felt worthless as he stared at the name engraved onto the stone.

He cried his heart out, tears streaming down his face as he felt a grief much greater than when his dear brother and family died.

For it was only in that moment that he realized the mistake he had done.

For it was only in that moment that Sasuke realized that he was wrong all this time.

But it was too late to regret his choices.

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