Chapter Three

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(A/N: Above is a cute picture of Team Hebi that I liked... Enjoy the chappy!)

Chapter Three


“We’ve been walking for days! Can’t we get some rest?” Suigetsu complained with a tired expression on his face.

I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior as I kept on walking and ignoring him.

“Sasuke-kun, please?” Karin added with her high-pitched childish voice causing an anime vein to pop out of my head… So annoying!

“Sasuke” this time, a soft voice called out causing me to relax and turn my head to the side to face Kamina.

“Yes?” I answered

“I think you should let them rest. We’ve been traveling for four days non-stop and all of them are surely tired. Besides, it’s almost nightfall. I think eight hours of sleep would be enough for them to travel for another four days or so” she said

I raised my eyebrow at her and she returned my gesture by cocking her head to the side with a hand on her hip. Obviously knowing that she’s better at survival than me, I sighed.

“Fine, let’s set up camp” I said

“Yes! Kamina, you’re a life saver!” Suigetsu said as he, Karin and Jugo started to set up camp with the help of Kamina’s cats.

“I’m going to gather some firewood” Kamina stated

“I’ll come” I said

Kamina gave me a look before nodding and walking into the forest where I soon followed her. As Kamina gathered firewood on the left side while I on the right side, I remembered what Toshiko had said before….

Leiko, don’t be so soft on him. Have you forgotten that he was the reason why Kamina almost died?”

Growing curious, I decided to ask Kamina about that incident.

“Kamina?” I called

She turned to face me with a bundle of firewood in her arms. “Hmm?”

“What happened?” I asked as I stood up with a bunch of firewood also in my arms.

“What happened to what?” she asked back with an eyebrow raised in confusion.

I looked straight into her eyes and gave her a small glare. “Toshiko said that you… almost died” I said

She seemed to freeze but she eventually got herself together and returned my glare. “None of your business” she said bitterly as she started to walk away.

I dropped all of the firewood in my arms, ran after her and grabbed her arm. As she turned to face me, the wood in her arms fell to the ground.

“It’s my business because Toshiko said that I was the cause of it” I said

Kamina glared harder at me and tried to free her arm but I held it tighter. “Let go of me, Sasuke” she ordered

“Not until you answer me” I said

“I said let go!” she said with more authority as she tried once again to break free.

“And my answer is no” I said as I tighten my grip a little more.

“What’s your problem?!” Kamina said angrily

“Just answer me!” I retorted

Kamina’s glare faltered as she stared at me with tired and hopeless eyes… I softened at this weak side of her…

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