Part 17 : Battle of the blizzard

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After the first wave of attacking from the nether Hilda , eoin , Jackson and lyria retreat into the cold forest as the nether close in on them and push further into the cold environment but doing so leads to half the army have fallen to the cold environment but hogsworth continues to push out of fear of returning to the nether kings a failure

Hilda will try to use the blizzard as its there only change of victory
Darryl plans to turn in hogsworth during the blizzard tomorrow with the other demons
But soon both sides will see theres an ender crystal on the battle field both sides will fight to the end to get it
And lance plans his escape from the nether as his powers return

( pov Hilda )
We had set up a small camp in the middle of the frozen forest snow and winds grew stronger which means the blizzard isn't far
I walked through the camp seeing how many could fight there was not many who could but i will make what I can with what i have

I saw eoin and Jackson next to each other talking eoin was sitting while Jackson stood on his left
Jackson planted his axe into the ground and ignited it with a switch on a part of the Handel I didn't understand how it worked but i walked up to them

" how are you 2 holding up ?" I asked them
Eoin stands up and says " cold but fine "
Jackson " we aren't exactly use to the cold but we will still fight better then any of the nether Soldiers "
" we have to be careful even with the blizzard the nether will still be out numbering us try not to die you 2 "
Jackson " i have no plans to die " pulls out his gun " if I'm gonna die its gonna be my own hands no pig will slit my throat "

Lyria lands next to us
Lyria " Hilda the blizzard is about to hit us the elytras won't work in the blizzard
" theres no ghasts that would be a danger to us here so it doesn't matter what matters is what we do now "

After awhile we had a plan when the blizzard comes attack the nether from all sides and have archers shoot from the trees
So now we began to set up are ambush placing archers in the trees and preparing trees to fall on the enemy troops
Now we waited for the nether

( pov turns to Darryl )
We were marching through the freezing cold most of hogs men froze to death as a blizzard hit us
The was only about a few dozen of us including me and the other demons
Hogsworth " come on men we most push on " he yells as we move into a small open area in the trees

A pig man soldier " general we need to turn back most of us are dead
Hogsworth " no we must push forward we have to cut off the frost bourne from fighting us and theres a rumour that theres an end crystal some where is this frozen hell "
Since there was an end crystal hogs would not give up till he has it

I heard moving in the trees
Hogs noticed the frost bourne archers
Hogsworth " everyone get to cover !!!" He yells

The men are running left and right and arrows flew by hitting them
Hilda " charge !!!!" The frost bourne came at us from every where as they knocked trees on us
I decided to hide out side the battle till the time was right to turn on hogs

( pov back to Hilda )
The pig men were running scared as we charged in
Eoin can from behind them as lyria and Jackson came from the left and right
I was taking down pig men with my mace swinging left and right until I saw hogsworth

Hogs turns to me
" surrender now and you will be spared maybe " I say to him
Hogsworth " I would rather die human scum the end crystal is mine !!" He runs at and and we bash shields but he knocks me to the ground

I blocked his sword with my shield but I could not hold him long  

Wait did he say end crystal we have to end this fight fast if theres a crystal here
Hogs shot in the back by Jackson then tackled by him
Jackson " Hilda you ok " he say as he's punched in the face
Hogsworth " you can't defeat the nether "Jackson and hogs continue to fight each other

I get up and try to run to them bu hogs stabs Jackson in the stomach and he falls to the ground

Eoin " Jackson!!" He yelled angered punch's him away
Eoin " he's gonna bleed out if we dont get him out of here "
" go i can handle this " i saw to him

He retreats with Jackson
" lyria !!" I called
She comes next to me
" did you see any buildings or temples while you were flying over the forest ?" I asked her cause if there was thats where the end crystal would probably be
Lyria " i saw one that way behind some trees " she points to her left
" i need you to go over there and see if theres an end crystal and protect it go " she nods and runs to the old temple

Suddenly i was hit by hogsworths shield and knocked into a tree
Hogsworth " she will die as will you "
" you touch her ill kill you " i yell angered as i run at him

I threw my shield at him
He blocks it then i hit him in the knee cap with my mace
He screams in pain but cuts me in the face with his sword just barely missing my eye

I put my hand on my face to see how much damage he Did I couldn't tell my hand was covered in blood
He stepped on my cheats trying to crush my rib cage
It was painful but i tried to hold him but I couldn't do anything

Darryl comes out of no where and stabs hogs with his tentacles and throws him into a tree
I went to grab my mace before he got closer
Darryl " its ok I'm on your side stay here ill deal with hogs " he charges at hogs as i lay in the snow in pain trying to get up

I looked around and saw elite and and the tether demon were fighting the pig men to
I got up and ran at hogs hitting him in the face as hit him in the legs which made him fall to the ground
He tried to grab his sword but i broke his hand with my mace

Hosworth looked around seeing the rest of his men leave him behind
Hogsworth " ok I surrender " he drops his shield

I turned to Darryl
" so the nether titan or whatever hes called made you This " i say looking at his demon features
Darryl " well he told me he'd bring me back to life if i joined him he didn't say I couldn't turn on him"
" Patrick will be glad to know your back with us i mean not trying to kill him "

We took back the outpost and made sure the temple with the end crystal was save till we knew how to move it
For now we wait for new orders but with this battle won the nether will be on the defensive

The end

 World of darkness: book one :Fractures of CorruptionWhere stories live. Discover now