Part one : day before a journey

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(So yeah this book will be slowly rewritten and remade to be better and long so I hope you guys will enjoy the remade book but if this is your first time reading this book and this is the only remade chapter you can read on past it just expect the quality to drop a lot )

(Pov is rain)

Shortly after coming back from the long journey of first just curing my wither curse , to fighting the nether bane to getting back to the frost bourne , we had a little surprise ....a ...ender frog ?

Everyone in the room was concerned and confused why the frog just showed up on the war map , but kane had more concerned look then any.

The frog began to speak and it said " i am lance the former end mage and price of the void islands " with a hop he turned towards me and looked up to me ." And your are the last ender watcher chosen by the stupidly of ceris ." This guy didnt seem to like me much for that reason.

Ciara "...did that frog just talk ? " she asked both surprised and confused .

Lance " yes and the correct name for my little creation here is a gorf ender frog , if you wonder what some one like me is in this state you can look to him " he hoped and turned to face kane and so everyone also turned their heads to him.

Kane"...uhh well funny story and long story " lance gave him a glare of death at him to signal to him to tell the story ." while ago now ciara killed a lot of the piglins and went to the nether to kill their king , but she was killed at the hands of the nether princess " my eyes grew wide for a moment as i heard about Abigail.

" excuse me who !!?!?!" I said quite loud but kane just went on explaining the story .

Kane " to save ciara i needed to get some thing know as totems of undying and the only know person who had such things was lance so me and Abigail fought lance and killed him . We took the totems and healed ciara which turned her grey .....i also got turned grey in the process since i put the poison on gorf inside me to help stop lance . "

Ciara" killed some one who had nothing against you ? touched " her sarcasm aside we all went back to looking at lance .

Patrick " ok sir lance , why should we listen to you , what do you have to offer us ? " he laughed and hoped to face Patrick.

Lance " well grandmaster Patrick, i know both you and the netherkin seek the powers of the end crystals , you people don't truely know ceris id say . If you truly knew her you would know she's VERY predictable and insane but the neterhrkin also lacks enough smarts to find these crystals as fast as i could so in return for helping you i want my power and my body back ." I doubt anyone here really trusted him but what choice did we have.

Stella " excuse me mister lance but from all the legends and story's from the end civil war you turned against the other end lords and nearly destroyed the end so why should we trust you ? " he turned to her .

Lance " those story's are LIES !!!" He screamed at her " ceris the her allies turned on me after i was framed...for something id rather not discuss . But hear me now weather you trust me or not if you want everyone here to live you will help me find the crystals and stop the netherkin before its to late " We took glances at each other nodding and then all looked to Patrick.

Patrick " well then ...since we are desperate i accept this offer ...lance " we couldnt tell but we think he smiled .

Lance " good  " but one question remained with all of us.

Ciara " ok not so large but massive question, how does this guy even know how to find the crystals ? "

Lance " well i have some guesses where ceris would have put the crystals incase of an invasion but it wasnt for a nether one ....story for another day i suppose , anyways i can sense the power of the crystals but it takes me time to find them but i do know where one is already . In the mystic forest lies one so we start there and take it " 

Stella " uhh permission to speak sir ? " Patrick nodded ." After ...recent events that have happened to me and rain may i be able to sit this one out ?" She asked

Patrick "  feel free stella your room is still the same as you left it " she turned and began walking out the room .

Ciara " well ive been through a lot to soooo im gonna go to that tavern you guys have and have some drinks " she threw her karambit out the door and teleported out of the room.

Kane "...shes a handful so its best i stay here and make sure she stays out of trouble " we ran after ciara as if his life depended on it .

Patrick " well that leaves us three . Rain you will join me and lance to get this crystal, we shall head off tomorrow so head off and get some rest " i nodded and as i turned around lance jumped on my shoulder .

Lance " im keeping myself close to you " 'ah great i have a ender mage stalker' i said to myself.

I made by way back to my room and straight away i took off my little armour and put my ender great sword which belonged to ceris on the floor .

I fell back on my bed and was about to go to sleep right then and there, till lance hopped on my chest .

" am i not allowed to sleep or something ? " he looked at me as if he was trying to understand me.

Lance " i dont know why ceris choose you to be her successor but i cant argue with her now ...since shes dead " he had mixed feelings about her death it both seems to hurt him but also her name just makes him mad.

" ok i get it you dont like her can i sleep now ?" I asked annoyed

Lance " fine " he hopped off me and sat at the end of my bed so he could sleep as well.

Just as i was taking off my hoodie and shirt i heard a knock on the door .

Stella " hey rain its me...can i have a word !!" I walked up the the door and opened the door , i had my shirt off so she looked down at my body and blushed before looking away " OH IM SO SORRY !!!" I picked up my shirt and out it back on .

" sorry i didnt know you were coming " we were both embarrassed about it .

Stella " hey can we maybe get a drink or to ? "She locked her lands together behind her back and smiled .

As cute as she as i was to tired to do anything so i had to turn her down.

" stella id love to but im just to tired with whats happened ..and with what happened to you i need to sleep .." she was slightly sad but she understood.

Stella " ok i can wait another day have a good sleep ^^" she said smiling and then she went off .

Lance " that girl ..she feels familiar to you like her ? " just the mention of liking some one made me have flash's of Abigail and what happened ...i still have nightmares about it all.

" no...even if i did ...i have to much problems right now " i took off my shirt again and went under my bed covers .

Lance " if you say so...may i give some advice ? Make sure the one you chose is the right one....i made that mistake and it nearly cost me my life" theres more to lance i feel we need to understand but thats for tomorrow.....i just hope this war will be over soon and i can go back to my normal life ....if i can even have one.

The end.

 World of darkness: book one :Fractures of CorruptionWhere stories live. Discover now