Part 37 : last night before the battle

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The nether is about to attack and the last battle for the end crystals will begin

( pov rain )

I woke up in my bed with ciara
Ciara yawned " good morning she said rolling over and looking at me
" good morning should we leave before some one catch's us like last time " i said sitting up

Ciara " ehhhh fine " we both got dressed and decided to head to the tavern for a bit
At the tavern we weren't planing to get many drinks but we just decided to talk
Ciara " well last night was fun at least for me what about you ?

"Yeah it was good .....but does it not feel weird for you that your mainly doing this just so i can get over her
Ciara " look i do like you anyways and I'm doing this for you to feel better ok " she sips her drink "
" do you ever think you drink to much ?"

Ciara " actually despite what you see I actually dont drink much kane doesn't let me drink to much when hes around after well .....the time i last got drunk and lets just say it wasnt good "
This surprised me since here ciaras drank a lot but i guess if she say she doesn't normally i cant argue since ive still only known her for about I'd say 4 weeks but well ....we definitely have become .....friends i guess maybe more since what we did last night

Ciara " ...well at least my plan worked have forgot a little bit ?" She said resting her head in her hand and looking up at me
" well i guess it did ....might be awhile before i fully forget but I'm willing for you to stick around ' she sat up
Ciara " just saying if you want a permanent girlfriend you might want some one other than me .....because i feel theres better people around for you " she sipped her drink

" really .......who ?" Ciara put up drink down and faced me again
Ciara " I mean you do have a thing for nether kin girls so you and stella maybe
My face went red

" what i ummmm no no no ........she doesn't like me i dont think right ........
Ciara smirked
Ciara " maybe ask her

" no no I shouldn't "
we sat there for another bit but suddenly stella showed up
Ciara " speak of the devil " she laughed

I thought she was going to be angry again with me for some reason but she wasn't
Stella " uhhh sorry to be a bother but rain lance and ceris want to see you so if you could come with me " i stood up and walked to her
Ciara waved goodbye and me and stella walked out the door of the tavern and started walking to where apparently lance and some others were

Stella " your meant to be the one to use the end crystals.." i turned to her
" I'm not sure should i tho ...such powers ...just i shouldn't have it "
Stella " ceris despite what she is choose you to be the next ender watcher so you have something........even the crystals stoke to you so maybe that has something to do with something "what she said made me think

Did the crystals really talk to me when I opened the portal to the other universe
Why ?
We walked to where the others were

Stella " lets hope this goes well " she opened the door and we saw lance , ceris , eoin , Emilia who was still injured and kane
" ........ uhhh whats going on
Lance " we were discussing who should use the crystals ....and since ceris over there made you the last ender watcher your meant to be the only one to use them .....thanks ceris " ceris went up to him and slapped him

Ceris" where were you huh !!!"
Lance " what when the nether king invaded oh let me think ....exiled by you !!!!
Kane" they have been like this for an hour " he said sick of them

Eoin stepped between lance and ceris and pushed them a part
Eoin " if you two didn't shut it we are both dead " the two stepped away from each other
Emilia " look rain if you dont take the crystals we will

" I CANT ....I'm sorry I shouldn't have them I'm leaving anyone here has a better change then i do I'm sorry " I walked out stressed
Ceris " rain wait !!!' " i heard through the door

( pov changes to stella )

As rain ran out i was worried the stress of needing to use the crystals was getting to him
Eoin " well if hes not going to take them then who ?
Emilia " well eoin your the one who can absorb energy so

Eoin " I'm literally dying remember.....anyways who ?
Lance " well I'm probably one of the strongest here so " ceris looked angry with him
Ceris " like hell you are just cause alan gave you a new body !!!

They continued to argue
" ill ....ill go talk to rain ..." i walked out to go talk to rain as the room went to hell again
After walking for a few minutes i saw rain siting next to a tree near the main wall

I walked over and sat next to him
" you alright ?" I asked cause i was worried
I put my hand on his shoulder

Rain" ....its just they expect me to rule the end one day and take the power of the crystals.....i just .....i want to put this war behind me and go home .....i want things to be ....more normal and i didnt have to be a next end king or whatever "
" rain just because its not what you want doesn't mean you should .......i know how you feel ....when i first got my mind back from being turned into the nether kin i am now i just wished i was back at the coven

I lean my head on his should and moved closer to him
" ...and you know who helped me feel better
Rain looked at me confused

Rain " what you mean ?" I moved slightly closer to him
" well ...remember when we first met ...and we went to the mystic forest you didnt like talking to me and didnt like me ......i did already like you ......and well after all that we have gone through together......i just thought that we are more then just friends." I started blushing but i kept smiling on his shoulder

Rain " ....well we are ...close ....i mean literally you are getting a bit closer to me" i dont know what i was doing but i guess mu love for him took over and i turned at sat on his lap and wrapped my legs around him
" i just i umm ....ive wanted to tell you something for a long time " i was leaning in closer about to kiss him until something landed behind me

Me and rain got up and turned ready to fight
Alan " well i hate to be the guy to ruin the moment but " hes summons his axe and pointed it at us " time for the crystals to be mine " he began to walk to us slowly

I send arcane blades at him but he kept deflecting them all
Alan " cute but your not strong enough to completely hurt me suddenly eoin and Emilia showed up behind him
Eoin " leave them alan " alan turned to face them

Emilia " Alan please dont do this ...this world doesn't deserve our war
Alan threw his axe at eoin hitting him and pining him to the wall near by
Emilia " EOIN!!" She threw her sword at alan but he grabbed it and slammed her into the ground

Alan " I dont want to hurt you so stay out of my way
Mara " hey big nether dick head " alan looked at mara who was on top of the house behind us
She had her new weapon or whatever it was

Alan " really think a big gun like that will hurt m" she fires it sending a massive layer at alan knocking him through the wall and a few tress
Alan " ahhhhhhhhh fuck that hurt !!!"

Mara " ha ha it worked !!!! Woooo !!!!!" She was happy her gun worked
Rain " what was that " he turned to mara
Emilia " did just shoot him .....

Mara " you god dam right i did !!!!
Alan got up and flew in front of us
Alan growls " ok now you have pissed me off " looking at his chest he was bleeding and wasnt healing as fast as we all expected

Alan flew away injured from maras gun
hilda and others rain out to see what happened

Eoin coughing blood " alans attack will happen now we must go on the defensive....its not what he's expecting and hes weak
Hilda " agreed ....everyone get ready today we either die or beat the nether at are door

We all prepared for the final battle of the war

The end

 World of darkness: book one :Fractures of CorruptionWhere stories live. Discover now