Part 35: next ....plan

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The frost bourne and crusaders were shaken by what did to azura
Both sides know who ever wins the next battle will win the war since both sides have 3 crystals
The nether is almost at the main city of the frost bourne if the dont win the will be trapped and out matched and both sides know

Lance knows how to give the crystals to some one but he doesn't know what they could do the a living being while naeus doesn't have a body to worry about
Ceris chose rain to be the last ender watcher so there for he has the right to use the crystals but who knows

( pov Dayrll . Also I realised I was miss spelling his name XD)

i was told to go a the girl maras lab to check what she was doing Patrick to help him after the whole situation
Also heard she was making a new weapon that could turn the tied against the nether but i wasnt sure if anything that even azura could build could save us now

I approached her lab and opened the door and walked into her lab hearing her using some tools to make something
Mara was singing or something couldn't tell but i walked throw the lab searching for Patrick and her
I quickly found Patrick on a medical bed and all sorts of bandages and was hooked up to some sort of thing to give him blood

Mara was up on a different level like on a inside of the building
Mara "what do you want " she didn't seem to like me much
" i came to see Patrick after azura attacked him " she teleported next to me then walked to Patrick checking his wounds

Mara " i see well hes been messed up badly ...ive heard what happened to azura and I'm sorry even tho i hated her i didnt want anything like that to happen " she continued to fix up some stuff on Patrick
" she just wanted to protect him now shes like me another pawn in alans game of demons ...." I looked at my extra arms and grabbed my horns

Mara " yeah your a demon " she looked down at Patrick....i dont think she likes demons or undead
" he going to be ok ?" I asked seeing how he was doing well
Mara " I'm not sure he wont heal completely for ages if he does at all ....ill do what i can
" is there anything i can help with ?" I wanted to help Patrick or mara to make her be able to work faster

Mara looked up at him and turns to the thing she was working on up stairs
Mara " maybe won't those extra arms you can " she stops with Patrick" follow me " she goes back to the upstairs area as I follow her

When i got up there she was working on something that looked like a giant energy gun
" what is that ?" Ive seen a lot of guns but this was massive
Mara " its my new was originally going to be used in the war against herobrine but azura sabotaged me and slowed me down and he wings and elytras were chosen by Patrick.....this weapon would have destroyed any demon or undead " i became slightly nervous when she said demon

Mara " hey can you pick up that energy mag " she pointed at a gun mag but of corse just like her and everything in here it was definitely strange but picked it up and gave it to her
Mara puts it the gun and the whole thing starts glowing a pink colour

Mara " ah ha it works woooo !!!" She was exited " hey want to test out " she jumps next to me and grabs my arms
" ....uh ok sure "not going to lie i was nervous
She grabbed my arm and pulled me outside

Mara " this is exciting isnt it testing out a very dangerous laser rail gun he he ....well time to test it " she aims the gun at a far away tree
" are you sure this wont end badly?" I said concerned
Mara " can you hold my hips please " i was completely caught off guard

"!!!!!!....i umm why i uhh " i was flustered and blushing its a good thing i have my mask other wise she would see I'm blushing red
Mara" i dont want to do flying into that wall cause of this thing so can you" i walked behind her and gripped her hips

She moves them around slightly which made me feel move awkward
Mara " relax I'm not doing this to you for no reason I'm checking how good a grip you have so grab me harder " i grabbed her harder but not trying to crush her with my strength
Mara " get closer i need you to be as close as possible for both our safety " suddenly my extra arms wrapped around her

ahhh what are they doing mmmmm i dont want to be close to her i arms react on feelings ....oh no well hopefully i dont do anything weird
She backed up slightly and her ass was touching me
Mara " ok 3 ...2.....1 " the gun was charging and about to fire " fire !!!!" He yelled pulling the trigger

Before we could see the blast we were both sent back into the wall
Mara was lying on top of me
Mara " uhhhhh well that didnt go w..well" she looked down at me and i think she blushed

Mara " i i ummmmm you can go now ...." She was suddenly nervous
" well at least your weapons works but what will you use it for ?" I was trying to calm her down
Mara " well with a little modification it might be able to both drain the crystals out of naeus since hes not a living person he cant hold them as well ....and if I charge it enough it might even hurt alan

" well ill go tell the others keep up the good work " I quickly turn around and leave cause it was still awkward
.......please dont tell me i just got a .....crush on her .......ahhhhh fuck me !!!
Whatever find the others and see what we will do

( pov changes to rain )

Those who could still fight were planning the next plan
Kane " there has to be some way we can win here .....what are our options?"
Lance " well are only change is either surrender or we stand to the end and die ....

Hilda " we can't surrender....what about the end crystals cant we use them ?" We all looked at lance and ceris since they knew the most about the crystals
Ceris " i cant use them anymore with what alan did to me and my ender kin powers are in well rain

Stella " dad what about you ?"
Lance " mmmmm I'm not sure ....well rains the next leader for the end so he should get them
Everyone turned to me

" I'm not sure i dont think i should "
Lance " well we dont have any other options and since Alan gave 3 of the crystals to naeus hes more powerful the all of us and alans stronger then him so we don't really stand a chnage with out some one using the crystals

Dayrll " well maras weapon might be able to hurt Alan and take the crystals from naeus
We all weren't sure what would happen
Foxy " we should maybe evacuate the city

Hilda " agreed lyria tell the civilians to evacuate
Lyria nodded and left the room

After all the talking we all agreed we had to stand and fight but i wasnt sure should i have the crystals
For now i just went to my room and lied on my bed .....I'm thinking about how what happened to azura is like what happened Abigail.........

The end

 World of darkness: book one :Fractures of CorruptionWhere stories live. Discover now