Part 24 : battle to the end

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Stella , opal , afoia, lance , Kane and Emilia all head to the end of take it back from the nether they will have to take out kralos the wither knight to save the end from the nether but Alan will send back up once an attack happens so the crusaders must be ready for anything

( pov stella )

We weren't far from the nether portal opal had been saying
Lance was still slightly tired from saving ciara so he wasnt full strength
Opal and afoia were talking in the front of the group kane was in the back and lance and Emilia were just standing next to each other

Emilia " you sure your up for this ?" She asked slightly concerned for lance
Lance " ceris may have exiled me from the end but its still my home and the nether has no right to be there "
Emilia " so we agree ...why did she exile you ?"lance looked away from her
Lance " I'd rather not say "
Emilia " ok then its fine ..did you hate her for it ?"

Lance " I hated her for destroying my kingdom and forcing me to give up my child "
Emilia " so you had the kid with didnt you " Lance slightly shocked
Lance " how did you ?"

Emilia " foxy read ciaras mind he tells me everything I already know just wanted to ask nicely "
Lance " does he not know its rude to read minds with out permission

Emilia" never stopped him before ...also your not the only one i lost both my kids for years but the eventually returned to me so maybe your daughter will return to you "

I decided to slow down and talk to them while we were still going
" so what do your remember from your daughter?" I asked him hoping to get an answer

Lance " she was very young last time i saw her before that ...when i lost the end civil war i was forced to the over world ...i was friends with the people at the coven i told them to keep her safe and never tell her i was her father ...i gave her a spell book and that was it i came back to the coven once and watched from a distance to see if I could see her but I couldn't even tell and when the coven was destroyed i had almost no hope I'd find her " he looked slightly saddened

Wait left her at the coven gave her a book
" uhh how long has it been since you left her at the coven and what age would she be by now ???"
Lance " she would be probably about 21 " he says

Wait that sounds like theres no way hes my father its not like i have a book from my father who i dont know and have not been told who he is ...oh my god .... He might actually be my father
I started to panic a little out of shock and almost like joy

I was glad to think I actually could have found my father after all this time but i was scared if i was wrong and if he wouldn't believe me that i was his daughter

We all suddenly stopped
Opal " we're here " she says as look to see a large open area with a large portal to the end
Afoia " hmm lot of guards lots of weapons.....lost of ender pears this is definitely the place "
Opal " what you doubted me ?"
Afoia " yes " she says smirking

" so whats the plan ?" I asked
Kane " hmmm well theres a tower near by if we can take out the pig watching over in it we could sneak in and get closer making an attack more efficient "
Lance " hmmm but some one else should cause a distraction to draw more troops out who's going to do it ?"
We all look at each other

Emilia" well I'm probably the strongest here so i will go and cause a distraction " we all agreed she would have the best change so we let her off while we snuck around near the tower
We heard Emilia yell at the nether
Emilia " hey over here you umm nether scum i guess that works ...come at me !!!"

We heard her fighting the nether troops
Kane " ok me and stella will take out the people in the tower the rest of you make your way to the portal "
I followed kane through the tower we quietly took out all the tower guards

A pig man came out no where i tired to send a arcane sword at him but i missed
I wasn't able to concentrate with the fact lance might be my dad
Kane shot the pig in the head
Kane " are you ok ?" He asked me

" sorry just was distracted " we walked up to the top of the tower
Kane " well get your head together we cant fail this mission" i know hes right buts its just hard to think after 21 years i might finally be able to see my dad

Kane " i know your thinking about something so can you tell me now and get it out so it doesn't mess with the mission "
I didnt want to tell him but I feel if i dont i will become to distracted. I took a deep breath and said it
" I THINK LANCE IS MY DAD !!!" I yell out fast
Kane " slow down what ?"

I explained everything lance said and how my life is basically the same
Kane " oh wow well good luck telling him that ...ok lets get moving with the others " we sneak out and make our way towards the portal

I still couldn't think straight my whole life of wondering who's my father is not at all what I expected
We met up with the others but Emilia still wasn't with us
" where's Emilia!!"

Emilia teleports in front of us covered in blood
Emilia" well that was bad " he looks down at her leg and sees a massive cut " oh I'm bleeding "
Afoia " are you ok ?
Emilia " yeah ill be ok "  

We all tried to get her to stay behind with her wound but as eoin and foxy she wouldn't change her mind and made our way into the portal and prepared to fight
We stepped out of the portal and there was a massive nether force inside the end more then expected

Afoia " ok that's a lot of them " she summons her magic
Kane " i guess just fight i dont have a plan for this " we all ready are weapons as the nether army chargers
We were fighting through the army until we were all blasted back by Alans wither commander

Black " you people really want to die dont you " hes grabs his double bladed sword
Kralos throws a ender pear and ends up behind us
Kralos " this world belongs to the nether empire
Lance " oh shut up " blasts him

Black trys to run at us but is stopped by Emilia and hit back
Emilia " black if you knows whats good for you surrender now consider that " she points her sword at him
Black " hmmm ok ive considered it " blasts her off him and uses magic to trap her on a wall
She trys to teleport away but the chains black is using stop her from teleporting
I send 4 arcane blades at black only for him to black them we a magic shield

Kralos gets back up and runs at us
More and more skeletons showed up around us
Kane " theres to many of them fall back !!" We were about to be swarmed by skeletons so we decided to hide
" wait Emilia!!" She was still trapped to the wall
Emilia " go i can handle myself "she breaks free but her leg had gotten worse
Opal trys to help her but is blasted away by black

Black puts his sword to Emilias neck
Black " come for her and she dies "
Lance " follow me now " he opens a strange portal ive never seen before
" we cant just leave her !!"
Emilia " just go !!!"

Some of us didnt want to leave her but we had no choice we had to regroup

The end
( sorry this is very rushed I'm still doing exams but theres only for 2 more days after that i will have more made soon but for now hope you like this part ^^

 World of darkness: book one :Fractures of CorruptionWhere stories live. Discover now