Part 21 : run to the caslte

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After Alan killed hogsworth he went back to the nether and found out naeus let lance and ciara escape so he sends ceris after them but shes behind
Lance makes his way to his old castle to find something to help ciara and get her back to the frost bourne before she dies from her wounds

( pov lance )

I was still carrying ciara as i was running as fast as I could
Ciara was getting worse she was pretty much unconscious which means i didnt have long to help her
I wasnt far from my old castle in the swamp once i get there I could maybe help her or slow her death down and get us a portal back to the frost bourne

" come it has to be some where here I remember " I couldn't remember exactly where it was but i knew i was getting closer i was still trying to figure out my new body since i was in the gorf for so long I almost forgot how my old body moved and functioned

Ciara wasnt talking and was barely breathing so i had to keep going to help her
I looked around i saw an ender banner which means I'm very close
I kept running but i heard something coming behind me
I put ciara down and turned to see a double ended sword coming at me

I dodged the blade and hid ciara in a bush
I grabbed the sword and threw it back where it came from
It hit a tree but the other person was gone
Suddenly i was punched from the side by ceris

I quick  turned and grabbed her arms and kicked her back
Ceris " i waited a long time for this " she grabs her blade and points it at me as i pull out the karambits
" you have already ruined me enough exiling me and forcing me to get rid of my family you have not right to have that sword "
ceris " we both have blood on our hands Alan wants me to kill you I would do it anyways even if i wasnt killed by naeus and if i knew you lived out here for 21 years "she laughs at me

" you cant just let Alan control you .. you know once he gets what he wants he will destroy this whole universe you and me with it sure you can still hate me after all these years but we cant fight each other if we are both dead " i tried to convince her to turn on Alan like i heard happened with the other demons

Ceris " i do want to save this universe but Alan is inside my head controlling me but he cant hold me forever soon i will be free and ill kill you out of my own will " she begins to run at me . She swings her sword up and trys to strike from above but I blocked it and teleported behind her and blasted her away with a magic energy beam

" my powers are returning ceris if you needed the watchers to beat me you wont win by yourself in this demon body"
Ceris " you needed help to " laughs " my sister made the wrong choice helping you "
" she saw what you were becoming you wanted the end for your self sure you may have ruled it well for the past years but you you murdered your way up and broke the kingdoms and cause a war "

She ran at me and tried to stab me but I teleport to the side and grabs her sword and try to pull it from her
Ceris "you really think we stand a change against Alan hes a titan hes pretty much a god you have seen how he's brought people back from the dead and what hes done to me we stand no change "
" i dont care you already took everything from me before what else could I possibly lose "

Ceris managed to hit me and slightly stab me and knock me into a tree
Ceris " i really wanted this to be finished later but Alan wants you dead so you cant make anymore problems " she raises her sword ready to strike me down

She was suddenly knocked away by something throwing a tree at her
I turned to my left and saw man dragon ( for those who dont know who man dragon is hes the thing who attacked kane and Abigail in poison he very hard to kill and hes loyal to lance )

Ceris " what the hell is that thing ?!!"
" ceris meet one of my favourite creations man dragon now man dragon deal with her " he goes an fights ceris while i grab ciara and run to my castle

" come on ciara we are almost there just stay awake "she was barely alive but i saw my castle in the distance
I ran to the main door
" ok how how do i open this again " i turned and saw a lever " ok they we go " I opened the door

I saw my place has been a little damaged but most of my stuff
I laid ciara down and i looked for something that can help her until we reach the frost bourne
I looked to some spell books i have to see if there was any kind of healing spell in here
Luckily i found one it seemed save but it was only temporary

I ran to ciara with the book and did the spell
Her wounds healed for the most part of course her arm didnt come back
" ciara wake up are you ok ?" I tried to wake her up
She move slightly so she was alive
Ciara " uhhhh where am i ??"she asked confused
" your at my old castle in the swamps " I told her
She sits up and looks at me

Ciara " mmmm so we actually made it "
" not yet we still have to get back to the frost bourne before ceris finds us " i tell her the rest that happened
Ciara " so how do we get back to the frost bourne?" She asks concerned
" hmmm i had to have some kind of portal some where in here " i started rooting through lots of different places in the room trying to find some way to make a portal to the frost bourne

( pov changes to naeus )
I was sent to help ceris deal with lance and ciara
When i found ceris she was unconscious it appears she was fighting something that went away
" get up ceris where's lance ?" I ask while kicking her to wake her up
Ceris " ahh my head " she says while slowly standing up
" come on we have to get lance ...unless u want to die again I'd suggest we get looking "
Ceris " i dont take orders from you naeus " she looks at my angry
" well until we find lance I'm in charge here " i put my spear at her neck

We begin searching for him but his trail went mostly untraceable
ceris " you fought for the crown of the nether and it was all taken from you just like that " she laughs as she's trying to insult me
" your talking to the person who killed you remember i was more powerful then you before Alan got here "
Ceris " really cause you aren't that powerful with out herobrines powers and the nether star and don't forget your new body is made by Alan " i was angered by her and i sent a lightning blast at her knocking he back but she quickly recovers

Ceris gets up and turns to me
Ceris " you want to fight ill give you a fight you STUPID SKELETON BTICH !!!" She yells angered
She grabs her double bladed sword as i aim my spear at her
We charge at each other
She trys to hit me with her sword but I managed to block it and swing back barley missing her head
She hit me from behind which lunched me away
I was angered so i sent a lighting blast her way but she hits it back with her sword and i get hit into a wall

" you son of a " i was ready to throw my spear at her
Ceris " wait behind its a wall "i turns to see we found lances castle
" we need to bust throw the wall now " we both began to hit the wall with all are power

( pov changes back to lance )

I heard the 2 hitting my castle walls so i knew I didn't have long
Ciara " they are here !!" She yells almost scared
Some bits well breaking off the wall
Ciara " lance HURRY!!!!"
" I'm trying to find oh here we are " i found a small portal all i had to do is charge it
I charged the portal and opened
Ciara " my eggs are still " i picked her up and i ran through the portal

We landed in the freezing cold so we were in the right place
We decided to stay in a cave we found until the morning since it was dark now

The end
(I hope you guys like this I'm going to be really busy soon so u wont see much new parts for awhile but i hope your liking the story so far ^^)

 World of darkness: book one :Fractures of CorruptionWhere stories live. Discover now