Part 32 : assainanation

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( I probably spelled the title wrong XD )

After the last crystal was collected the crusaders make it back to the main frost bourne base
But the nether is sending their whole army and the frost bourne have been pushed far back in their territory
And kralos has snuck behind there lines ands is planning to kill azura

( pov azura )

Nostra and mara had been talking care of me for the last few weeks and i was sick of it
Sure my left arm and leg are damaged but I can still fight .....why does Patrick care so much its not like i matter that much to him . All i want is to fight for my people but Patrick wont even let me leave more room ...ahhh why !!!

I lied in my room wondering what to do ...ive been not thinking normally
I looked around bored and feeling useless
" maybe Patrick doesn't see me as useful and just sees me as some one who cant fight .....maybe he sees mara as my replace meant ...." I said to myself

Later i was putting on a new device on my leg helped me to walk around so i could be some what useful
I slowly made my way to my lab where we kept the end crystals

Nostra and mara were already looking at the crystals
Nostra " lance was not lying these things are pure energy " they said curious and wondering how they worked

Mara " hmmmm i grew up in the end but i never seen an end crystal so closely " she seemed more interested then nostra seeing how mara is an ender kin
I stepped inside the room

Mara " well my day just got worse " she says turning to face me with nostra
" oh ha ha let me see the crystal " i push them out of the way to get a better look at the crystal
" wow very interesting " I almost touched it but I know what happened when rain touched it so i held myself back

Mara " king naeus has 3 of the crystals inside him ...hmm if i can modify my energy cannon to drain energy i might be able to stop hmmm .....ill go and tell lord Patrick " she runs off
Nostra " you think she can make that work ?" She asked turning to me

" probably not she can barely make anything work " me and mara were not friends to put it lightly . Ever since she showed up here she's been trying to out class me in making tech and crap. She's came close to beating me once but my wings still were more useful the baby this she will make

We stayed looking at the crystals we had but we couldn't figure out much
Lance said he doesn't know everything but he says dont try to move them or use them to not repeat what rain did before
Nostra "rain said the crystal told him to use it why would we not get effected " she looked the the crystal trying to understand the symbols

Suddenly Darryl came in ...his weird extra things still creeped me out and his new horns its like m friend is barely there
Darryl " azura Patrick wants to see you " he says waiting outside the door

I stepped out and walked with him
Darryl " i know your creeped out by the arms ok just say it " i didnt want to be rude but i guess my face said it all
" look its just your so different and the fact your alive is surprising....still don't understand alan used the power of death how could anyone control death its self " alan from what i heard is beyond unnatural he is a living death some ive heard call him

" your body is bigger then it was before increase in muscle and strength clearly " his body being not technically human anymore confused me just like how alan did the same to elite and that kyle fellow

Darryl " i see you were hurt badly after the battle " he looks down at my limping leg with the tech to help me walk
" yeah i have scars going from my leg to my neck fro the lighting blast ...I shouldn't be alive but I'm glad i am ....hows Patrick feel about the whole look ?" I asked him

Darryl " well at first not well since i tried to kill him in the forest ......but i think we are good now " we walked to Patricks office
Darryl " well in you go " he opened the door for me
Patrick was standing by the window looking out in the direction the nether was coming from to the city

" you wanted to see me my lord ?"I walked in and sat in the seat opposite side of his desk
Patrick " see the nether are getting closer i need everyone to be ready ...but you are still injured I want you to stay safe " i was annoyed i hoped he was going to say i could fight again but instead he's basically grounded me

" what ...but i can still fight my wings still work ..." he turned and sat down in front of me
Patrick "azura please you can't deny you are still hurt and i dont want to loss you to the nether " he said reaching out to touch my hand

I pulled my hand back
" why do you care so much about me didnt care that much for Darryl and look what you let happen to him " he slammed his hand onto the table and stood up
Patrick " Darryl sacrificed him self ...and besides i had to save you " i didn't understand why he cares this much

" why me theres other that needed saving why me !!!
Patrick " ......because i love you!!!... ok " i was caught off guard and shocked
Patrick " look its just i love you and I don't want to loss you matter to me more then this whole city just please i dont want you to get hurt " i wasn't thinking straight so I was angry

" .....really now oh i see i am the only one that matters could have saved so many others if you didn't come for me !!"
Patrick " i wanted to save you I love you " i slapped him on the face
"I dont care that you love me ..I'm leaving " i heard him sit down as i was leaving . I dont think he took what i said well .....and i dont think I did either

I ran to a hidden spot and cried regretting what I said ....I should have known he loved me what was I thinking......
I did like him to but i never wanted to tell him
I went back to my room angry at myself and Patrick

I went to sleep for about an hour but then i heard some commotion outside and it got closer to my room
I heard a bang against my door i opened it to see a guard stabbed in the chest
He grabbed me with bloody hands he screamed " help me !!" He was then stabbed by an axe

I jumped back and grabbed my guns and pointed at the attackers
Kralos " azura nice to meet you " he was about to kill me

The end

 World of darkness: book one :Fractures of CorruptionWhere stories live. Discover now