Part 22: return

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Lance and ciara are almost back at the frost bourne but the nether is re organising and preparing another attack this time making sure theres no blizzard this time

Meanwhile kralos is still in the end enslaving the ends people the crusaders plan to go to the end and take back dragon spire from the nether but this will not be easy and the nether kings are about to find another crystal in the floating isles which leaves only one left some where

( pov stella )

I was waiting to see rain after Alan had attacked him to see if he was ok . All i heard was azura and nostra arguing about her health azura is stubborn she wants to fight again but she's not completely healed yet according to nostra
After awhile i was let in to see rain he had some of his body covered in bandages
" rain are you ok ?" I asked hugging him out of concern
Rain " yeah I'm fine but can you let go your touching my sword wounds " i let go and apologised

" so how long did they say till you recover ?"
Rain " they didnt say but i mostly feel fine well it's a little painful but its not to bad "
He was told to stay there for a few days to fully recover which was good to know he will be fine I'm not sure what I'd do if i saw him you know what lets not think about that
I decided to go get some drink at the tavern On the way i saw more and more people were preparing for war
I saw afoia talking to kane and Jackson

Afoia " Alan killed hogsworth because he knew hogs would turn on the nether to save his life " she was saying to the two
Jackson " hmm we need to plan are next move what does Patrick intend for us to do ?" He asks
Afoia " more importantly where has opal been she was with you guys in the blizzard wasn't she ?"
Jackson " i didnt see since we starting moving to the outpost
I walked up to them as i was thinking I haven't see her either

Afoia " hey stella have you seen our friend opal ?" She asked me
" no i didnt see her since you guys did "
We didnt know where she was until

Opal teleports right in front of us
Opal " oh hey there guys "
Jackson  goes up to her
Jackson " where the hell were you i was worried for you "
Opal " relax Jackson I'm fine and to answer your question i was searching around the nether camps " she says
Afoia " what were you doing exactly ?"
Opal " well the nether is using ender pear correct so I decided to find where they are bring them in to the over world and i found it so i was thinking we go in and take back the end from the nether "

From what she told us kralos the wither knight has been in charge of the end and if we take it back it would be a massive blow to the nether
We decided to go tell Patrick and make a plan of attack

( pov lance )

Me and ciara were walking through the snow and ice we weren't far from the main base of the frost bourne
The spell I put on ciara was close to start to wear off
Ciara " its really cold no isn't it " she says while slightly shaking
" just be glad we aren't in a blizzard then we would be ice cubes by now " i say to her
Ciara " how far you think we are ?" She asks me
" i dont know but we should be there soon its best we keep moving "
Ciara " hopefully we get there soon i can feel the spell wearing off "

We continued walking through the cold land hoping to reach the base before we both freeze
Ciara falls to her knees
Ciara " ah the spell is almost gone i cant walk " i lifted her up with my arms and started carrying her
" come on ciara just a bit longer " she started to lose consciousness so I started running with her again hoping I'd make it before she dies for a second time technically since she died to the nether princess before thats why Kane fought me for my last totem of undying

After 5 minutes i saw the walls of the base
"Hold on ciara we are here " i say to her
I teleported right out side the gate And started calling out to let me in to help ciara

( pov back to Stella)

We were about to go talk to Patrick about the attack we should plan
Until we heard yelling by one of the gates
We ran over and the voice was very familiar
" does that voice sound like "
Kane " lance !!" He goes to open the gate door . He flips the gate leaver and opens the gate
Lance walks through with ciara in his arms
Kane ran over to them to look at ciara

Kane " how did you guys get out?" he asks him
Lance " we don't have time she doesn't have long " Kane takes ciara from lance
" we have to get her help fast "
Jackson " nostra is already busy what do we do ... afoia can you help her ?" Everyone turns to her
Afoia "..... i cant do healing spells " she looks away
" wait what but ive seen all the stuff you can use magic for why not this ?" I asked concerned for both ciara and her since she looked slightly scared when she was asked to use a healing spell
Afoia " we dont have time to discuss this ok we have to get ciara to some one else " she says trying to change the subject

We saw Patrick, Hilda and lyria walking out together .Hilda till slightly wounded by the battle of the blizzard
Patrick " whats happening?" He runs over to us seeing ciara and lance
Kane " Patrick we need some one to help ciara "
Patrick " lyria take them to mara now !!" Lyria nods and starts running

Me , Kane , Jackson and lyria all ran to this isolated part of the base we went inside and the whole room was filled with strange technology
Lyria " MARA WE NEED YOU NOW !!!!" She yells
We hear something moving around
Suddenly a ender kin female teleported in front of us
Mara " what is it i was in the middle of something " i looked down and her left war on fire
" AHH YOUR ON FIRE !!!" She didnt seem bothered
Mara " oh guess i am " she puts her self out " so what can the great ender scientist do for you today " she says
We all point at ciara

Mara " ah i see bring her quickly" we laid her on a table
Kane looks very scared for ciara
Jackson " what can you do for her ?" He asked
Mara " well let me see " she investigates ciara wounds " well the legs can be fixed easily but the arm its gone so hmmm I might have an idea but I might need some assistance any of you know another scientist with some robotic knowledge?"

Foxy bursts in
Foxy " I came as fast as i can i heard you guys need help "
Mara " that was fast " she says surprised
Foxy " i can read minds remember whatever i can help here the rest of you go " me and Jackson left easily but kane was a little more difficult to convince to leave the two to it

After 30 minutes of hearing machines and talking in the room we heard them stop
Foxy walked out the door
Foxy " ok you can come inside " we all walked in looking at ciara turned over
Kane ran over to her
Kane " is she " he looks down and sees her breathing normally " oh thank god " he says happy she was
Mara " i did what I could but " she turns her over and shows some robotic tech on her wound where her arm was removed and glowing wires going up her shoulder and neck
kane " what did you do to her with the tech ?"

Mara " i had to put this stuff in so her brain could use this " she pulled out a robot arm and attaches it to ciara " i made her a new arm since i couldn't do anything with the no arm thing sorry if this isn't good enough "
Kane " you saved her that's all i cared about thank you Mara

We were glad to see ciara alive but she had to rest and she didnt wake up when we were there
Mara said she would walk up soon but we already had to go
Opal explained what she found so we made plans to fight are way to the end to liberate it from the nether

 World of darkness: book one :Fractures of CorruptionWhere stories live. Discover now