Part 1- the dinner celebration

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(Y/n's POV)

I still have to decide which dress to wear tonight. It's not that important anyway considering it's about my grandparents, not me. It's their anniversary today and they're celebrating at a restaurant. I could either wear a long, elegant red dress or a short, plain black dress. Again though, it doesn't really matter.

(~time skip~)

I have three missed calls of my boyfriend. He says we need to talk soon. I hope it's not anything bad... I mean, I know he cheated on me. Maybe he is coming clean?
Ding dong
The doorbell. That's him. I run to the door to see him stood there, looking rather neutral.
"So, why do you want to see me?" I ask
"Well.... The truth is, I've been cheating on you. I think you already know which is why I've come to tell you I'm breaking up with you."

My heart shattered. After he cheats on me he has the audacity to confront me and then he breaks up with me. He left rather quickly and I run back to my room. I know I can't be at dinner tonight, celebrating love. And if I'm home my parents will just drag me to dinner. Or they won't care, but I'd rather not risk it. I've got to leave. Now.

(~time skip~)

I don't know how long I've been running. It's a pretty big town. I just find myself sat on a bench, crying my heart out. My thoughts getting tangled in a storm.
I can't believe him. Why would he do this? I wipe my tears with my hands, making my vision blurred. Just then, I hear a familiar voice talking. " what's wrong? You look way too important and beautiful to be crying on this bench."

I look up to see a boy with curly brown hair next to me. He had freckles on his face, The moonlight highlighted his features . He looked like he genuinely cared.

I was studying the features on his face, when I realised he was staring back at me. "Me? Are you kidding? You're far more important than me. Everyone knows you, Camilo."

(Camilo's POV)

It's weird. I don't remember this girl on the bench, but I recognise her face. I wish she wasn't crying, I hate to see her cry. Especially while wearing such an elegant, red dress. I guess her plans didn't go the way they were supposed to. Even if she is sat here sobbing, she still looks breathtaking. But there are more important things going on right now.

"So, why are you crying? It's a beautiful night and it looks like you're supposed to be somewhere." I ask.
"Why are you even asking? You've never talked to me. No one ever talks to me. I'm a background character in everyone's lives." She responds, with sniffles between each sentence.
"I may have never talked to you personally, but I'm aware you exist. I don't know your name, but I'd love to learn more about you. But first, why are you so upset?" I don't care how long it will take me, I want to know why she is sobbing. She looks like an Angel.

"Well, let's just say that you think you know someone, and then they break your heart. What you thought you knew, all that trust, gone in a snap."

I can't help but feel sorry for her. I want to make her happy.
"Wait right here!" I instruct her as I run off quickly.

(Y/n's POV)

I wait for Camilo. I don't know why he suddenly cares about someone random, but I guess it beats spending the night alone. I look up at the night sky. I've always loved space and the stars. Maybe because space is mostly purple, and I love purple. Suddenly, Camilo starts talking again. Where did he come from?

"Come to my house, hermosa. I can make you happy." Camilo says, handing me a bouquet of flowers. I started to blush at the gesture but decided to control myself. Was he attractive? Yes. Was this gesture cute? Yes. Will I risk getting my heart broken again? No. But I'll go with him. I nod in agreement. Let's see what he has planned...


Word count: 707
Thank you for reading 🦋🦋🦋
Leave any feedback here, idfk when I'll post part 2 but I will
Love y'all <3

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