Part 18- Party

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(Y/n's POV 💜)

"Camilo..." I begin to speak.
"I know, I know. It's stupid, you probably hate me. You're gonna go to Mexico and live an amazing life but I just couldn't see you leave without you knowing how I feel... I'm sorry." He interrupts me.

"Okay, first of all, let me speak and maybe you'll find out that you're incredibly wrong, second of all, Camilo you sure are quite different. At my worst moments, you've stayed by my side and when I saw you with Claire... I got scared the same thing would happen that it did with him... If anything I'm the one that's sorry...." I say. I'm so stupid for thinking he would do such a thing.

We look into each other's eyes for a minute before I grab his hands.
"In a few years, I'll be able to look at you and say 'you're the reason I stayed in Columbia.' " I say, smiling at him. His face lit up and he hugged me tightly to the point I couldn't breathe.

"Cam... air.." I say, struggling for air before he lets me go.
"Sorry." He says awkwardly.
"Sooo... love of your life, eh?" I say, elbowing him playfully.
"Ay por dios..." he says, shaking his head. I chuckle and we walk back to the casita.

We walk in and instantly I'm greeted with Dolores giving me a giant bear hug.
"I'm so glad you're staying I really didn't want you to leave!" She says quickly and after a second letting go.

"SHE'S STAYING?!" Everyone in the house pretty much said at the same time. I hold Camilo's hand and look at him before nodding at everyone with a smile.

"This calls for a celebration! A party tonight!" Alma says with a smile. Everyone agrees and instantly starts decorating.
" I should probably go invite everyone." Camilo says.
"Wait, who's coming?"
"Everyone." He says, looking a bit confused before walking to the door. "Bye mi amor!"

(~time skip~)

"Time for the party!" Mirabel says excitedly. I guess it is... Camilo is greeting people as he usually does. Everyone else is pretty much just enjoying themselves. I grab a sad looking church and start eating it. I guess I'm just not in the party mood yet...

Camilo walks up to me, looking happy. "Que pasa?" He asks.
"Nada." I reply, taking another bite of my sad churro.
"Venga, come to the dance floor and we will have some f- AY POR DIOS UNA ARAÑA!" He screams, pointing at the little thing.

"Eres un bebé." I tell him as I walk up to the spider. I'm not scared of them as long as they don't jump on my face.
"ANTONIO TENEMOS OTRA ARAÑA AYUDA MEEEE!" he screams as Antonio pops out of nowhere. He whispers to the spider and the spider runs away.

"Anyway, as you were saying...?" I ask him.
"Oh yes! Come to the dance floor and we can have fun and dance!" He tells me. I agree to go with him and we walk to the dance floor.

(I added a song to the banner thing at the start, play it now if you can 🎉)

We walk in as a new song starts. The room is full of life as everyone is either dancing or talking. It's a good thing I wore a dress to dance in.

(A dress like this for reference)

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(A dress like this for reference)

"Ay I love this song!" I tell Camilo.
"Care for a dance?" He asks, putting one arm behind his back and the other in front of me.
"I thought you'd never ask!" I say, grabbing his hand and walking to the dance floor. He puts one arm around the waist and the other one he holds out, still holding my hand, as most dancers do. I put my arm on his shoulder and we started dancing to the music and the beat.

"Are you ready señorita?" He asks. I nod and we start full on dancing, stepping to the rhythm. He spins me around before dipping me down. He brings me back and we go back to dancing.

The combination of shoes hitting the floor in time with the music filled the air. Mirabel and Isa were clapping to the beat as me and Camilo, Pepa and Felix, Dolores and Mariano danced to the music.

"You're a good dancer!" I say as he twirls me again.
"Not to bad yourself mamacita!" He says as we continue dancing. That's a new nickname.
"I'm gonna go take a break. Cya later guapo." I say as I leave to go have a glass of coke. Dancing takes a lot of energy...
Mirabel, Luisa and Isabella are with me with their drinks.
"To y/n!" Mirabel says, before everyone says 'to y/n', clinking their drinks together and taking a sip. I could faintly hear someone calling my name so I was looking for who was calling me but then I saw my parents. Fuck. They look me straight in the eye before rushing towards me, saying my name.


Word count: 845
Thanks for reading 🦋🦋🦋
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Love y'all <3

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