Part 10- who???

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(Hey yall! It's my birthday and I already cried a bunch because my birthday is always terrible so ima write a chapter while I drown my sorrows in chocolate <33 p.s it's a lot better now<333)

(Dolores' POV ❤️)

Bruno starts setting up to have a look at Camilo's future. I hope it has y/n in it because they would be the perfect couple. I could imagine their wedding.

"Alright.. let's start." Bruno says as he begins to do the vision. What is visible is Camilo having dinner with someone... we can't see who it is though. He gets on one knee and proposes but it doesn't show who says yes. Who is it? I hope y/n...

"Who could that have been?" I ask.
"I don't know..." he says holding the tablet that just shows Camilo on one knee proposing. Mirabel and I look at each other before thanking Bruno and leaving. This might be a lost cause, but it's still important to try. Right...?

(Y/n's POV 💜

As I'm walking inside, Camilo rushes downstairs and nearly knocks us both over. What is going on?
"Oye, preciosa (translation: precious) , come with me please. I have something to show you" he says. That's a new nickname. What do all the nicknames mean? I mean, he's called me hermosa/beautiful more times than I can count , now he is calling me m'lady and precious? What is going on?

"Uhm okay?" I say, unsure if I should've said yes or no.
"Ladies first!" He says as the gestures for me to walk up to the stairs first. I smile at him and start walking up the stairs. An unknown object (still a vine lmao but y/n doesn't know) wraps around my ankle again and I fall backwards. Once again, Camilo catches me with our faces inches away from each other.
"Jesus, how many times do you need me to s-"
Camilo starts to say before I just hug him and say thank you.

"Anyway, let's go... where are we going?" I ask him, making sure I don't fall on the stairs again. He tells me to go to his room. We walk in and I see an open notebook on the table. I look at the front page, it says 'for the love of my life' with a bunch of Purple Hearts.

"OoOoOh, who's the love of your life?" I ask him. If he doesn't want me, whoever he does want must be special and I want to help him treat that person well. He deserves happiness with the person of his dreams.

"WHAT? WAIT-" He says as he runs to the notebook, closes it and hides it in his shelf. Why is he being so secretive?

"Cmon, don't hide. Who's the lucky girl... or guy? Who is it?????" I ask. If he's gay, he's gay. He seems to mutter something but I couldn't understand it.
"Uhm there is someone, but I don't know if they feel the same way.." he says. I feel bad for him. Anyone who doesn't want to be with him when they have a chance is just bonkers. He is the most perfect man to exist.

"Cmon.. who wouldn't like you? You're the most perfect person ever." I tell him. He smiles and blushes a bit. He seemed to mutter something else but I didn't know what he said.
"If you don't wanna tell me now, will you at least someday tell me...?" I ask. He smiles and nods. I hope whoever he likes loves him as much as I do...

"So why did you want to bring me here..?" I asked. He smiles and grabbed a box before giving me the box. Inside was a beautiful necklace, a plain notebook and a pen.
"If you're going to stay here any longer I thought the notebook might be useful- and the necklace would just look perfect on you!" He says. God, why is he always so cute in every single way?

"Awww this gift is so generous. Thank you!!" I say, giving him a big bear hug. "Would you mind putting the necklace on me?" I ask. He nods and grabs the necklace and puts it on me. It was beautiful.

"Sooooo when do you want to tell me who the love of your life is?" I ask. He just walks out of his room. Jesus I didn't know he would just walk out of the door...


Word count: 742
Thank you for reading 🦋🦋🦋
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Love y'all <3

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