Part 15- New girl? Im better.

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(Time skip + Y/n's POV 💜)

After I woke up the next morning I decided to help Mirabel with her chores. I mean, I am living in the madrigal's house for free and I'm just a regular person.

We arrive to town and start helping people around. It's never busy on a Sunday morning, so we went to the bakery and sat down on a bench, eating churros and having a chat.

We see Camilo walk around the corner, but he doesn't notice us. I was about to go up to him and talk to him, but he starts talking to another girl. Me and Mirabel both looked at each other, we both don't know who this girl is. She has sky blue eyes and straight, long blonde hair.

It looks like this new girl and Camilo are kinda flirting. Surely I'm wrong... right? I mean they're both just having a friendly conversation... they're both laughing and slightly blushing because it's warm...

She steps closer to Camilo, and he looks quite nervous. She starts leaning in to kiss him.



Without a word, I stand up and start to jog away without looking back, but I fall over a rock and face plant the floor.
"Fuck." I swear, hurriedly standing up and rushing away from the scene.

But seriously Camilo. WHAT. THE. FUCK.

I can Mirabel start to shout my name as she runs after me, but I'm already inside Casita. She knocks on the door to her room since I'm in there, quietly crying a bit.

"Who's there?" I say, my voice breaking in the middle of the sentence.
"It's Mirabel. I want to talk to you." She says. To be fair I am in her room and she has done so much for me so it's only fair to let her in.
"Okay, come in!" I say. I burry my face into a pillow, ashamed of myself. How could I fall for someone who's just like my ex?!

"Are you okay?" She asks me, patting/rubbing my back gently.
"Oh yeah, that's why I'm crying into a pillow." I say, realising what I said. "Sorry that was a little uncalled for..."
"It's okay. I understand you're upset. I mean, I would be too. I am. I can't believe Camilo would do this." She says. I look at her and she gives me a reassuring smile.

"So you aren't on his side? You aren't here to defend him?" I ask her, resting my face in my hands.
"No. He has no excuse. Im disgusted that he would do this..." she says.
"Oh. What's going on here?" Isabella asks, looking at me and my somewhat red face with tears. I guess Mirabel forgot to close the door.

"Y/n is just a little upset. You see Camilo..." Mirabel starts to say but she gets cut off by Isa.
"This is about boys and heartbreak? Say no more. We are going to make you look gorgeous. He will regret everything. He will come crawling back to you, but you're gonna have to play hard to get!" Isabella exclaims. You know what? I'm not gonna cry over him. Let's do it. I nod at her and she runs to her room, soon to come back with bags full of products.

She full on gives me a literal spa treatment, but it's more like spa + makeup and style artists. After she removes the mask she put on me (I mean like a spa mask yk), she puts my hair up in a messy bun and puts some makeup on me. Not a lot- just a bit of concealer and foundation. But when I say a little bit, I really mean minimal amount. She then adds on a few extra finishing touches like eyeliner and lipgloss before she moves on my hair. She washes it and styles it to make it look amazing. Next, we walk to a shop, careful to make sure Camilo doesn't see us (and Camilo's part in we don't talk about Bruno is playing rn 😩) , then we go a buy a beautiful dress. I thank Isabella so much for this, it's amazing. She's amazing.

(GO OFF FISH LADY ✨✨✨💅💅💅💅😩😩)

We arrive home and I try on the dress. Wow.

(For reference this is the dress

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(For reference this is the dress.)

"Holy shit... you look amazing!" Mirabel exclaims excitedly.
"Language. But she's right, you look absolutely fabulous. There is no way he won't instantly fall in love with you when he sees you in that dress.

(Time skip + Camilo's POV 🧡)

It's nearly time for dinner so I leave the town to go back home. I haven't seen Mirabel, Y/n or Isabella all day... I wonder why. I mean a lot of my time was spent with Claire, the new girl. Too bad she doesn't know I love Y/n.

I walk inside and Isabella and Mirabel are whispering to each other, giggling and smirking. What's going on...?

We all sit down for dinner. I look at the empty chair next to me. Where is y/n? Did her parents find her?

We start eating the food and everyone is chatting except me. I just can't stop thinking about y/n and if she's okay...

A minute later, the room went silent as we heard footsteps approaching. Who is it??
In the doorway, walking into the room is a girl wearing a beautiful and elegant black dress. I look up slowly to see y/n.

"Holy fuck." I say. She looked absolutely out of this world. I think my heart skipped a beat. She sits down next to me and I just look down at my food. I can't look at her face. She's a goddess.

After a minute of her sitting down, Pepa was starting to scold me for swearing, especially in front of Antonio.
"Pepa please, this can be discussed another time. Let's enjoy dinner." Y/n says. I already loved her before but she just saved me from my mother as well as looking so stunning. Holy fuck, I love this girl.


Word count: 1006
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