Part 14- I broke Camilo😭✋🏻

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(Time skip + y/n's POV 💜)

I sat on the step outside, hiding my face in my hands. I didn't want to exist. I wish I could disappear....

Camilo sits down next to me, one arm around me.
"Why are you upset? Are you okay?" He asks me. Maybe he does care more than I think.
"I don't know why... and I'm fine. I just feel... weird." I say. I don't know how to explain it. He puts his hand on my cheek and softly points my face to his, his hand still on my face. We both stare at each other for a minute before we both look the other way.

"Cmon, princesa. Let's go enjoy today. We can do anything. Listen to music, dance, draw, buy... whatever you want!" He says, holding his out in front of me. Without a word, I grab his hand, pull myself up and launch into a hug with him. He hugs me back tightly, as we both just stand there enjoying each other's embrace. My world feels complete with Camilo in my life.

We start dancing to music and it's really fun! And no matter how much of a stupid dance he does he still looks amazing. At the moment, I bet you look good on the dance floor by the artic monkeys is playing.
"Hold on hermosa, I need to use the bathroom." Camilo says he walks out room. I pause the music and sit down. I have a song stuck in my head. Yk, the 'by the sea' song. (If you don't know it search it on tik tok and watch one or two videos for context <3).
What are the lyrics again? Oh yeah. What does it go like again though? Hold on, lemme sing it to remember. (For a little context, she kisses the air instead of someone)

"Ooh, Mr Todd *kiss* I'm so happy *kiss* I could *kiss* eat you up alive, I really could. You know what I'd like to do, Mr Todd *kiss* what I dream *kiss* If the business stays as good ? Where I'd really like to gooo!" I sing, remembering the song. I turn around and see Camilo smiling. This smile was.. different.
"You. You. You- that. You need to do that again, but instead of air.." he says, pointing at his lips. I playfully push him away and roll my eyes.
"In your dreams, guapo." I say. He (on purpose) frowns.
"Fineeeeeee. But not yet." I say. Hehe.
We continue playing the music and dancing, and of course me being the clumsy person I am, I fell once again. And as per usual, Camilo catches me.

His hands were on my hips, my arms around his neck (she ain't strangling him tho lmao). We both stare at each other for a moment before he pulls me a little closer. Both of our faces were a dark shade of red, but we kept slowly leaning in until his soft lips touched mine. A few seconds later, we both pull apart and I make sure I'm fully on the floor. That's 3 times we have kissed. 3?!

We continue dancing as if nothing happened but we both have that stupid smile on our faces.

(~ time skip~)

We are sat down in his room, talking from one topic to another, things can get so easily lost in the train of thoughts. First we started talking about colours, then we talked about the sun and weather, and a bunch of other stuff. Now we are talking about the sea. Talking about sea, time for the by the sea trend. I don't think he'll expect it.

"Eheheheh.." I can't help but giggle. I know his reaction is going to be amazing.
"Oh god, what are you planning?" He asks me. I just smile and take a deep breath.

(A little bit more to clarify: y/n be changing the words Mr Todd because Camilo isn't Mr Todd 🧍🏽‍♀️)

"Ooh, my love *kiss on cheek* I'm so happy *kiss on other cheek* I could *kiss on forehead* eat you up alive, I really could. You know what I'd like to do, my love *kiss on nose* what I dream *kiss on lips* if the business stays good? Where I'd really like to go~" I say, holding his face at the end. He is just a very dark red and he looks like he's about to explode. I think I broke Camilo.

"Uhm Dolores... I think I broke Camilo..." I say looking at him. Dolores appears and starts looking at him, with faint lipstick marks on his face.
"You kissed him 5 times, what did you think was going to happen?" She tells me.
"Alright fair, but how I get him back?" I ask.
"Just say his name until he replies." She tells me before disappearing it. I do as she says and soon enough he is back to normal.

(Sorry if that was really cringe 😭✋🏻)

"You- I- 5 times- " he says, trying to blurt out his words.
"Take all the time you need. I'm always here." I reassure him.

Word count: 849
Thanks for reading 🦋🦋🦋
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