Part 17 - at the dawn

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(Camilo's POV 🧡)

She can't be leaving. She can't. I need her. Love her. Without her I don't know what I'll do...
I run back into the dinning room. If I need information, Dolores will have it.

"Dolores! I need to speak to you like now. Like right now right now." I say, hoping she would talk to me.
"Alright." She says, walking into a separate room. I follow her.

"Alright so... do you know if y/n is actually leaving to Mexico?"I ask her. Please please tell me she isn't...
"Well, she's definitely thought about it, but it isn't official yet. She was talking earlier, and she said 'in Mexico I have some family. My family here don't care about me, and I've lost the last person I truly loved so... I have nothing to loose' " Dolores explained. "However... she doesn't have a flight booked yet- you can still get her to stay." She tells me.
"How do I do that?" I ask. I would do anything to make her stay.
"Well I know about that little journal with the Purple Hearts. Let her read it. Show her how much she means to you. Mhm!" She squeaks and leaves the room.

Without a word, I run to the shops and start planning what I'm going to do. I hope Dolores is right about this....

(Y/n's POV 💜)

I've had enough of this bullshit town. My parents don't care about me and I've lost Camilo... I need to restart my life. And I can't do it alone. My family in Mexico will help me... I hope.

I see a bird in the window and it appears to be grabbing something. It's carrying a bouquet of my favourite flowers and there is a note inside...

'Meet me in the flower field at dawn.'

I guess it wouldn't hurt to hear the person out. It's probably Camilo but there isn't a way to be sure...

(~time skip~)

I start getting ready to go to to the flower field. I'm not showing up looking like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards. I put on the black dress Isabella and Mirabel bought me. I do my hair to make it look good and put on a bit of eyeliner. Time to go.

I walk throughout the town to the edge of the field. Red rose petals were on the floor, leading up to the hill. I slowly walk up the hill, looking at the set up.  It's really pretty, especially since it's a sunrise. I reach the top of the hill and see Mirabel on the top of the hill sat down, holding a book. I sit down next to her.

"Mirabel, what is this?" I ask. Before she says something she hands me the book and says to look at page 26.
"You found Camilo's journal? Wow." I say before looking at who I thought was Mirabel. It was Camilo. That shapeshifter...

I open page 26 and start reading.
13.01.22 (for confused Americans we write the date by the day, month, year.)
Today has to have been one of the worst days since I met her.

A new girl, Claire had come to this town. I was just helping her move some boxes since they were quite heavy and moving houses is pretty tiring. There was something off about her, but I couldn't tell what it was.

I finished carrying the last box and walked up to her.
"I finished carrying those boxes. Anything else you need help with?" I asked her.
She steps closer and I get worried. I don't trust her...
Anyway, she tried to kiss me. I simply pushed her away and told her I was in love with another girl. I look to my side and see y/n running away. God... what if she thought I was with Claire? I don't know what I would do, but I would be heart broken. I love her, not Claire.

I felt really guilty. I can't imagine what y/n was feeling. I sat down on a rock by the river and threw rocks at the water. I need her in my life.

After I got home, I saw her looking gorgeous, but on another level. I didn't think it was possible for someone to look so good. Like a goddess. However, I found out she's moving to Mexico. </3.

I just wanted to cry, I don't think I'm gonna be okay if she leaves. I kept it together and tried, but it didn't work. So I asked Dolores and she gave me some advice. I told her to meet me at dawn. I hope this works. I would move heaven and earth for her.

If the next entry is in a few days, you can assume she said no, and that I'm isolating myself from everyone in my room.

I look up at Camilo after reading this. Wow.
"Camilo.. I-"
"Look at the first 2 pages and the first entry." He tells me. I look at the first page which I already knew what it said. 'To the love of my life' with purple hearts all around it. On the second page there was a picture of me, surrounded by purple hearts. I didn't have to read the rest of it.

"Camilo.." before I could say a word, he moves up to me and cupping my face, he gives me a passionate kiss.
" y/n. I don't know where you want to live but I know I can't live without you."

Word count: 924
Thanks for reading 🦋🦋🦋
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Love y'all <3

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