Part 8- A rose for m'lady!

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(Y/n's POV 💜)

A few hours passed. All me and Camilo did was go all over town having fun and laughing. Everything was going great. Until Maribel saw us. I was currently dragging him by his hand (cause like that happens a lot now ✋🏻) and then out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mirabel looking shocked. I distracted Camilo with something and ran off to talk to her.

"Mirabel, it isn't what it looks like." I tell her.
"You were ho-holding hands?!" Maribel says loudly. Worried that Camilo will hear, I launch at her and we both fall. We both lay there for a solid minute, before I see a hand appear in front of me.

"Need some help, hermosa?" He asks with that soft smile of his. I grab his hand and he pulls me up, then we help Mirabel. I look at the bag of fabrics that Camilo was holding, he notices and starts talking to Mirabel.

"Soooo Mirabel... you know you're good with sowing and like making clothes and stuff and I don't know how long y/n is planning to stay with us so can you make her a dress? We bought materials!" He says, holding up the bag of purple and white fabric. Mirabel nods and is about to run off but I tell her I want say on how I want to design part of it so we decided we will design the dress and make it tonight.

As soon as Mirabel starts walking off, we start running to the other side of town which we haven't been through yet. In the distance there is a beautiful field with trees and flowers. Since I was distracted, I didn't see Camilo disappear but as I turn to him he wasn't there. What?

(Short Camilo POV 🧡)

Y/n is staring at the field in front of us. She likes beautiful views I guess. Never as beautiful as her, though. Before I could say a word, I was pulled onto the side of a building. Dolores and Isabella were in front of me.
"Camilo? Where did you go?" I hear y/n saying.
"Camilo, we set up a picnic for you" Dolores whispers to me.
"I will help with flowers and Dolores will tell me what's going on but you have to do the rest. Be charming." Isabella whispers. I nod and walk away.

(Y/n's POV 💜 )

I keep shouting Camilo's name. No response. I can hear footsteps, but it's probably the people in town. As I'm about to turn around, two arms embrace me from behind.
"Did you miss me?" Camilo says as he hugs me tighter, the butterflies in my stomach getting stronger. I never want him to let go. Never.

"Alright, let's go!" He says, as he starts walking on the field.
"Where are you going?" I ask. He grabs both of me hands and starts slowly leading me.
"That's the fun in the mystery." He says, smiling at me. I love his smile, it's pretty just like him...

He leads me to a little picnic setup. I sit down on the checkered blanket.
"A rose for m'lady!" He says, holding out a rose.
"A new nickname I see." I say as I grab it from his hand, and I can't help but smile. He then grabs another rose. He puts the rose in his mouth and wiggles his eyebrows at me. We both start laughing until he accidentally starts to inhale the rose. God he's such a cute idiot. My idiot...

(~time skip~)

We both sit there, talking about what we like to do and what we enjoy. The sun is starting to turn a faint orange and it's starting to get cold. I start to shiver because of the cold. I grab the rose Camilo gave me earlier and stare at it as my shivering continues. Before I know, his arms around me once again. God, he's so thoughtful and kind.

We lock eyes for a minute before he breaks the silence.
"We should probably head back to the casita soon. Julieta wouldn't be happy if we were late." He says. I frown but I know we have to leave at some point. The longer we stay, the harder it is to leave.

(Time skip + Camilo's POV 🧡)

We finally reach casita. Dolores and Isabella are once again, giggling and talking about me. Or at least I think, since I just walked in with Y/n. They walk back into the living room and out of curiosity, we followed.

Nearly everyone is in there: Dolores, Mariano, Isabella, Mirabel, Luisa, Bruno, Antonio. Even my parents are trying to dance. Oh yeah, music is playing, the song currently playing is 'can't feel my face' by the weekend. Me and Y/n just glance at each other, and we start dancing. Great song, if I'm gonna be honest.

The face of pure joy is on her face. She's really happy here. I can't say if she was in her parents house, but I hope she stays with us as long as she can. Mariano and Dolores are dominating the dance floor as they dance as an amazing couple.

"Hold on, I gotta do something." Y/n says as she grabs Mirabel and goes to their room. I don't know what happened, but 10 minutes later  I saw Y/n. She was wearing this beautiful off-the-shoulder pastel yellow dress. Her hair was in a bun (if you have short hair it just stays short <3) and she looked amazing. I think my jaw dropped and I was blushing. How could someone look so damn hot yet cute at the same time?!

The whole vibe in the room had completely changed in the time she was gone. At this point, Talk by Khalid (the song that goes 'can we just talk? Can we just talk? Talk about where we're going') is playing and all the couples in the room are slow dancing. And by all the couples I literally mean my parents and Dolores with Mariano. The rest were having a quiet conversation on the couch and I was leaning against the wall. Well, before she came in.

Without a word, she just walks up to me, puts her arms around my neck and just slow dances with me. Butterflies fill my stomach, and normally I'm the one that gives people butterflies. I didn't really think about it though, I just let it happen. God, she can be so cute sometimes. She kinda leaned her head on my chest and closed her eyes. I could tell everyone's eyes was on us. Especially Mirabel, Dolores and my parents. I just ignored them and made this as enjoyable for y/n as I could. They deserve happiness.

A few more songs play, and the room really is alive. Except for the slow songs, it was full of conversation and laughter.
"DINER!" Julieta shouts. I guess moments don't last forever. But that's what makes them important.


Word count: 1167
I loved this chapter it felt kinda cute when I was writing it but it's probably super cringe 🥲
Thanks for reading 🦋🦋🦋
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Love y'all <3

Question: should Camilo call y/n m'lady more? Or should it just stay to hermosa?

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