Part 19- parents

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(Y/n's POV 💜)

My parents run over to me and give me a giant hug.
"Where were you? We missed you so much!" My mum says, hugging me to the point I couldn't breathe.
"...... air...." I said, trying to stay alive. (Staying alive, staying alive. AH✨ AH✨AH✨AH✨ staying aliveeeee sorry I had to 🥲) My mother let go of me and they started asking questions as Camilo sneaked up behind me.

"Is this were you have been the past few days? The Madrigal's house?" They ask me. I nod yes and they ask me if I want to go home.
"Wait- didn't you guys ever look for her when she went missing?" Camilo said, putting an arm on my shoulder.
"We thought she was dead..." they replied.
I chuckle awkwardly. "Okay, sooooo..."
"You seem pretty happy here." My dad points out. I look around, remembering where I am.
"I mean, it is a pretty nice place and the people here are nice." I say, looking at Camilo over my shoulder.

"Do you even have a room here though?" My mother asks. I tell her that I don't.
"Well then were will you stay?" My dad asks me.
"She can sleep in my room!" Camilo suggests as I look at him with my eyes a bit wide. He smirks at me and blows a kiss at me as I gently push his face and look back at my mum and dad.

"Is he your boyfriend?" My mum asks.
"Well not really- I mean yes all that- and yes all this but like it's not really like-"
"No, Im not her boyfriend." Camilo says behind me to stop me rambling.
"Yet." He says as he smirks at me, looking me up and down. He gives me a wink before looking back at my parents. Jesus Christ, I front of my parents Camilo?!

"We want what's best for you, y/n. If you want to stay here, stay here. If you want to come back to us, come back to us. Just promise to pay us a visit and invite us to your wedding." My mum said. Instantly I blushed at that. That's a little far....

"Well guys... looks like I'm staying!" I say to them as they jump up behind me.
"I call dibs! She's staying in my room!" Mirabel says excitedly.
"Wha- you can't dibs- she's my gi-"
"Not your girlfriend. And yes, you can't dibs a person but I'm gonna continue living in Mirabel's room. But I'll sleep over at your room, don't worry." I tell him.

(Camilo's POV 🧡)

Ay, she's too amazing. I don't deserve her...
"Oye Y/n, un beso por favor?" I ask her. She tip toes to me so I lean in as she leans in too but then she puts her finger on my lips, almost like she's shushing me.
"No." She says, walking away to the dance floor.

(We don't talk about Bruno is playing again 💅💅 go pepaaaa)

She's amazing at everything she does. (GO CAMILO 💅💅 the song yk) I lean against the wall and watch her dance. Everyone's eyes were on her. She's just so... god, she's perfect. I can't wait to marry her someday. I mean, I already know her ring size...

I go back to my room and start writing in my journal.
Okay, so... a lot of shit happened today. Long story short, y/n is no longer going to Mexico. Now, time for the long story....

I can still hear the music from downstairs in my bedroom. I hear a knock on the door.
"Come in!"
It was my mother.
"Why aren't you enjoying the party? The Camilo I know loves parties."  She asks.
"I got a little tired. I'll get out there soon." I tell her.
"Okay, but I saw y/n looking rather exhausted on the couch. She might need help." As soon as she said that I ran downstairs. She looks extremely red and her breathing was heavy. I sit down next to her.
"You alright?" I ask her.
"Yeah, just a little tired. Where were you by the way?" She asks me.
"In my room." I say.
"Oh... right..." she says weirdly.

(When squidward's nose starts playing on ur playlist 💅💅)

We sit there for a minute while she starts to control her breathing.
"How bout we ditch this party for a bit and go get some ice cream?" I ask her. She nods and we sneak out of the back down. I put my arm around her shoulder and we walk to town to get ice cream.

"What flavour do you want?" I asked her.
"Uhhhhh strawberry!" She says.
"Okay, sounds good." I say.
"Un helado de fresa y un helado de nata por favour." I ask the guy. He gives us our ice cream, I pay and we sit down eating our ice creams with the little plastic spoon thingy.

"So... since we technically aren't dating... would you like to go on a date with me?" I ask.
"Ay cariño... no." She replies. WHAT. 💔. I can't help but just sit there with my mouth open. What. She chuckles.Why is she laughing?
"I'm joking. Of course I'll go on a date with
you." She says, smiling. I'm a lucky guy.

(~time skip~)

By the time we got home, the party was over. Everyone had already left. As per usual, I walk y/n to Mirabel's room.
"Night hermosa." I say.
"Buenas noches guapo." She says back. Before she could even try to move, I grab her by her hips and swing her around, kissing her. She got really flustered so I just carried her to her bed and put her down.  A few seconds later, y/n was speaking again.

"Camilo... stay here." She tells me.
"Where will I sleep! The floor?" I ask her.
"No, my bed. Mmm cuddles." She says. God she's so cute.
" uhhhh are you sure with m-" I turn around to look at Mirabel. She wiggled her eyebrows at me.
"Do what you want..." she tells me, sounding kinda sad. I lay down in her bed and hug her. Soon, she fell asleep and then I fell asleep.

Word count: 1030
Thanks for reading 🦋🦋🦋
Last chapter is soon :( unless yall want more but it means my next fanfic will take longer to start
Love y'all <3

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