Part 3- the garden

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(Camilo's POV)

I walk up to Isabella and Dolores. They are both giggling, I know what they are doing.
"Isabella! What the fuck is up with the vines? Why would you try to trip her up?" I ask furiously.
"What? I didn't do such a thing!" She replies. I know she did it. I swear.
"Yes you did! Both the times she fell, I could see a vine around her ankles. I had to catch her twice!"

"And you're upset because you had to save her in your arms?" My sister says in response. I can't help but blush at that. Our faces were inches from each other both of those times....
"He's blushing! Camilo has a crush! Camilo has a crush!" Isabella sings loudly.
"ISABELLA! She's right there!" I mutter as a point behind me. What if she heard Isabella?

(Y/n's POV)

"Camilo has a crush! Camilo has a crush!" Isabella sings. What? I knew to make sure not to fall for him. I've already cried enough tonight. I won't open up. Yes, he truly is attractive but heartbreak is not worth it. But at the same time, I can't help it. He is truly mesmerising.

I see Camilo point behind him, maybe to me. I wonder what's going on. The two girls walk away and I walk up to Camilo. I can hide my feelings.
"Soooo who's your crush? Is she- or he pretty?" I ask in a teasing tone. His face turns bright red.
"It's not that important... heh" he says nervously. It's almost like his crush can hear him. I really wonder who it is. Whatever- I just can't fall for him! No way! I can control myself. I can control myself.

He looks at me zoning out. After a minute he waves in front of my eyes to get me to focus again.
"Sorry, I zoned out." I say, as I just turn around to walk away. As i start to walk, I feel a hand touch mine. It was Camilo.
"Hey, follow me. I have to show you something!" He says, relaxed yet excited at the same time.
"But before we go, it's gonna be cold out there, especially for pijamas." He says as he takes off his poncho and passes it to me. It had a beautiful design on it. I didn't take it at first.
"Pleaseeeeee, I don't want you to be cold!" He insisted. Many, many times. Finally, I give in and put the poncho on. He smiles as he sees me wearing it.
"It suits you." He says.

Before I could respond, he starts dragging me by my hand. His hand was warm and soft, and he pulled in a way that made you go with him without being kinda forced or hurt by being pulled.

He guided me to a garden. It was *picturesque. Flowers of every colour were there. Pastel colours, dark colours, light colours. They even had my favourite flowers- sunflowers and lotus flowers. Especially the purple ones. I was stood there in awe

(*Picturesque: a place or building visually attractive, especially in a quaint or charming way- dictionary. Incase you didn't know 🙃 )

He chuckled at my reaction.
"I guess you like the garden." He said softly.
"What are your favourites?" He asked.
"I love lotus flowers, especially the purple ones. I also love sunflowers." I replied. Suddenly, the garden came into life even more than it was. Sunflowers and lotus flowers started appearing everywhere. A few lotus flowers were also in my hair. Wow.

I stared in awe once again, shivering a bit. His poncho was keeping me warmer, but I was still pretty cold. Suddenly, Camilo hugs me from behind. His arms around my shoulders. He's taller than me, my forehead reaches just below his eyes. I noticed he is still holding my hand since my arm is lifted up by his resting on my shoulder. His body is warm.

"I thought you were cold. I want to keep you warm." He says. I close my eyes and enjoy his warm embrace. He truly is amazing... wait. I'm doing it again. This is what it was like with him. He made me feel special, only to find out how terrible he is. I can't let myself feel this way. With my eyes still closed, I talk to Camilo.
"Why are you being so nice to me?" I ask.
"Well.. I- it's you. I don't even know your name. But you're different than the others. You're mysterious and exciting, not boring and predictable. You're full of surprises and I can't wait to learn more about you. Like your name."
He replies. Wow. He is different... maybe this will be different.
"Camilo has a crush! Camilo has a crush!" Rings in my head. Oh yeah, he likes someone else. But I want to enjoy the moment while it lasts. With my free hand, I grab Camilo's other hand and we just stand there looking at the beautiful flowers. It was a memory to never be forgotten.


Word count: 843
Thank you for reading 🦋🦋🦋
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Stay safe <3

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