Part 20- first date

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Hey yall so I'm gonna be writing another fanfic since this one is close to an end, and I'm stuck between two names 😭😭😭 I think ima call it either "Corazón de fuego", "Un baile?" Or "Mi preciosa~" bc like yes. Anyway enjoy.


(Camilo's POV 🧡)

"Papaaaaa!" I yelled, hoping he would come. He walked up to me.
"What's wrong mijo?" He asks.
"I uh- I need your help... with a... date.." I slowly say, hoping he wouldn't explode.

"PEPA! GET IN HERE NOW!" He screams. What have I got myself into now? The news spread like wildfire- my whole family was in my room at this point!

(~time skip~)

A few hours later I was finally ready. I had a bouquet of flower to give to her, I was wearing a plain button shirt, black pants and a jacket. She had left to the markets so I knew I had a few minutes before she came back and got ready. Deep breaths Camilo, you can do this...

A few minutes later she came home and went into her room. The plan was that mirabel was going to talk to her until she was ready, then mirabel would make it a little obvious so that Dolores would know and tell me.

"Hey... you good?" She asks me.
"How can I be good? I'm so nervous. I don't even know how to act!" I tell her.
"Right Camilo... be a gentleman. Use your manners. Do what mami always taught you to do..." she tells me, trying to reassure me.
"It's time." She says, giving me a reassuring pat on the back. Time to do this. I walk up to Mirabel's room and knock on the door, waiting for her to open.

I grab the bouquet of flowers, ready to give them to her.
"Hola mamaci- holy shit." I couldn't help but stare. She was wearing a short sky blue dress, the skirt part was flowy, it had simple designs on it but it looked amazing on her. She was wearing a matching blue collar, a little bit of lipstick and she had a blue flower accessory next to her ear. She looked like a goddess.

(Y/n's POV 💜)

I think he's a bit surprised... his face is red and he is staring at me, almost like he's being hypnotised. I take this moment as an advantage to look at him. He has a bouquet in his hands. I hope those are for me, unless Claire is back (😒). He looked cute, but I didn't want to spend the whole night having an intense staring contest.

"Camilo? Earth to Camilo?" I ask. He snaps back to reality and starts apologising like crazy.
"Ay, mi amor, no te preocupes. Venga, vamonos. (Oh, my love. Don't worry. Come on, let's go)" I say. He just stood there, his face getting redder.
"I- uhh- these- these are for you!" He says, passing me the bouquet.
"Wait here." I say. I grab the bouquet, get the flowers and put it in a jar full of water. That should do it.

We start walking into town. I don't know where we are going, Camilo planned this all. He leads me into a restaurant. Fancy. I'm guessing because Camilo and his family are so famous is why when we walked in we instantly got taken to a table for two that was set up beautifully.

"So, what do you want to order?" He asks me.
"Hmm.... Oh they do salmon! I love salmon." I say to him. He nods and calls the waiter over, then orders our food.

"I forgot to say.. you look really pretty." He said, looking down. I could tell he was nervous, I don't know why he is though. He isn't the type of person to be nervous.
"Okay, first of all, relax. There's no need to be nervous. I know it's a date and all but I like the confident Camilo." I say, grabbing his hand.

"Oh really now?" He says, grinning. Well that was easier than I thought...
The waiter brought over our food and we thanked him. Mmm, I love salmon.
"How's the food hermosa?" He asks me. There he is.
"It's pretty good." I say, smiling at him.

"So.. how is your family?"
"They're doing well."
"Good, good. Do they have any pets?"
"No.. I wish."
"Well thanks to Antonio we have a zoo in our house, so your wish is now reality." He said, doing a little hand bow wave thing as we both laughed.
"Yeah. Ooooh, you should get Antonio to get you a chameleon!" I say in excitement. A bit smile crept on his face as he agreed with me.

A while later we finished eating, Camilo paid, and we left the restaurant.
"Where are we going now?" I ask.
"Why should I tell you?"
"Because I kinda need to know where I'm walking." I tell him. God he can be a bit stupid sometimes.

(-time skip-)

"Okay, you can open your eyes now!" Camilo says. I open them to see a beach as the sun starts to set. I love swimming! But I don't have a change of clothes or anything.
"Now don't worry, because I bought a swimming suit you can use!" He tells me. Problem solved i guess. "The changing thingy are over there." He tells me so I walk over there and get changed into the swimming suit. It was yellow with cute purple hearts all over it.

Camilo's swimming trunk was purple with yellow hearts on it. I guess he bought matching ones, which is kinda cute.
"Race you to the water?" He asks me with a grin on his face.
"Fine, but no cheating! You can't shapeshift." I say. He looks me straight in the eye with a bigger smile than before.

We ran for it, the warm sand flicking off our feet as we made our way to the sea. About 6 feet away from the water, Camilo stops running. I stop turning and walk to him.
"Are you alright?" I ask, concerned.
"Yeah, I just remembered that I brought an inflatable swan that both of us can sit on." He says, smiling even bigger than last time. He runs to the spot we put all our stuff and runs back holding a floppy white inflatable swan.

About 5-10 minutes later, we finished inflating the swan.
"You get on the swan. I'll swim some distance away from the shore and then I'll get on it." He says cheerfully. Tonight has been going well and I'd hate to ruin it with an argument, so I agree and sit on the swan

A few minutes later, Camilo climbed on the swan. He put his arm around my shoulder. We sat with our legs in the water, watching the sunset.
"Thank you Camilo..."
"For what?"
"For everything. You make me the happiest I have ever been. I want to spend every minute next to you."
"Well, hermosa, we wouldn't be here if you didn't go with me that first night. I didn't know if you were ever in a million years gonna say yes, but I did it anyway. And now look at where we are."

"Te quiero cariño."
"Yo también te quiero mi amor."

(-time skip-)

We started walking home. It was dark and the stars were out. Just like when we met.
"Camilo?" I say.
"Yes?" He replies, putting one arm around my waist. "Holy shit you're freezing! Here, take my jacket." He says, giving me his jacket.
"Are you sure...?" I ask, making sure he was okay with it. He smiles and nods, giving me his jacket.

We arrived at the casita and he walked me to my room. I gave him a kiss and went to Mirabel's room to sleep. He's really amazing...

Word count: 1302
Thanks for reading 🦋🦋
Next chapter will probably be tomorrow or the day after as I'm starting the next fanfic soon
Love y'all <3

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