Part 6- the next morning

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(Y/n's POV 💜)

I wake up to the morning sun trying to shine through the curtains and somewhat succeeding. I have a look at my surroundings. Maribel is asleep on her bed, there is a fort in here. Look behind me to see Camilo asleep. I was lying down with him. Wait... we both slept like this?! That's- wow. Mirabel wakes up and looks at me with a smirk. I'm gonna have to ask her what happened because I can't remember fully.

Just then, Mirabel's mum, Julieta walks in.
"Mirabel breakfast is rea-.." we both look at Julieta... what would she think of this?! Just then, she walks out.
"Pepa!" She yells. Once nervous glance was all it took for Maribel to go talk to her mother. I don't know what she said or how long they were gone, but she came back with a thumbs up. Thanks Maribel.

I hear a voice behind.
"Good morning hermosa! Did you sleep well?" Camilo asks me.  He would have never done what Camilo did yesterday.
"Yeah, it was pretty comfy." I say with a smile. I can tell he is smiling, I don't even have to look.

After a minute of intensely shipping us, Mirabel broke the silence.
"Guys, breakfast is ready!" Mirabel says and all three of us get up and go to the dining table. We each grab a plate of food and sit down.
We were all having different conversation, Dolores and Isabella, Camilo and his mother Pepa, me and Mirabel.

(Camilo's POV 🧡)

I kept looking at Red whenever I could. She truly was beautiful. I wish she would tell me her name...
My mum breaks my train of thoughts, asking
"Where is your poncho?". She looks over at the girl who she had never met, confused. Probably because she was wearing my poncho.
"Who is she? Why is she wearing your poncho?" My mum asks worriedly. I explain to her how I met her and why she has poncho. She just sits there with a grin.

"Sounds to me that you like her." She says. I know she's trying to tease me but I can't help but blush. How could I not like her? She's prefect... I turn my head back to see my mother have the biggest smile I think I have ever seen. She gives me a death hug.
"You must let me meet her!" She exclaims. I tell her she can as long as she shut ups about me liking Red. She agrees, and we plan it.

(Y/n's POV 💜)

I slowly eat my breakfast, still a little tired. Suddenly, Maribel elbows me saying that he is coming. I look up to see Camilo standing in front of me. I swear he's more handsome every time I see him. I start looking at his facial features. His jawline, his mouth, his freckles, and up to his eyes. Then I realise I was staring at him and face away. My face feels like it's 100 degrees.

He just looks at me and chuckles. He's charming in the way he is and the way he does.
"So uhhh Red... I got some questions... WAIT" he says as he runs off to his sister and starts whispering to her. He comes back and starts again.
"So, Y/n, I got some questions for you." He says calmly.
"YOUR NAME IS Y/N! FINALLY WE KNOW!" Mirabel pretty much explodes. How did he find out?
"It's a beautiful name. Anyway I got questions."
"If it's that you want your poncho back you can have it." I offer. He just shakes his head. Suddenly, he grabs my hand with his. Still warm and soft.  He starts dragging me to his room.

"What's going on?"
"Don't worry hermosa, I just wanna do a few things. But you know what people are like around here. Privacy is better" he says with a soft smile. Privacy? What....

We reach his room. He sits down on his bed and pats next to him to signal me to come over. I sit down, I was kinda tense.
"First of all, relax. You look a bit... intense." He says. I take a deep breath and relax a bit.
"Okay.. if you don't mind me asking... why were you crying last night... when I found you and in Maribel's room. Did she upset you?" He says. I just stare at him a little blankly before refocusing.
"No, Maribel was lovely.. and I don't know how to answer the rest of your question..." I give him a reassuring smile. My turn.

"Now if you don't mind me asking, how did you find out my name?" I ask. He told me that his sister told him. Of course, Dolores' must've heard my parents call me by my name. Oh well, no point in hiding now.

"Now, my turn. Why does your face always seem at least a little red?" He asked. I panicked a little before realising the perfect excuse.
"When it's quite warm, my cheeks go red. When I'm cold, the blood flows to my cheeks, making them red." I say. Let's hope he buys it.
"Mhm. Makes sense." He replies.

I stand up to leave. I wanted to continue talking to Mirabel. I start walking when I feel his hand on my wrist. He pulls me back and I awkwardly fall onto him. More specifically, his lap. I quickly shuffle off of him and look at the floor.

"Sorry. I don't know why I did that." He told me. I just stare at him blankly and then leave. I don't know if I should go back to my parent's house or not.

Word count: 945
Thank you for reading 🦋🦋🦋🦋
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