Part 7- Crazy weather

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(Camilo's POV 🧡)

(If you're confused: there is a time skip between these chapters)

Okay, so, my mother is meeting Y/n for the first time... she's going to embarrass me. I know it. I just hope it won't change her opinion of me.
"I still can't believe you got a girlfriend! Especially such a pretty one from what I can see!" Mamí says. I can't believe her sometimes. "Mamí, she's not my girlfriend. I like her and have no clue if she likes me back. Only one can hope.." I hope she understands not to embarrass me. Her grin is still huge. Did she not hear what I just said?!

"Right, we'll Im gonna go hacer las compras so I'll be back. I can't wait to meet her!" Mamí says. I've been meaning to show Y/n my favourite spots around town, and also maybe take her to the fabric store to buy some materials for dresses. At the moment she is just wearing a shirt, leggings and my poncho.

(Y/n's POV 💜)

Camilo starts walking over to me. I pretend not to notice and look out of the window. The sun is shining brightly and there are rainbows. Guess Pepa's happy.

"Heyyyy hermosa."
"What's up?" I ask. I have no clue what's going on.
"Sooo if you want we can go to the material store and buy some materials for dresses. I'll pay." He smiles softly. God just him smiling never gets old.
"Are you sure?"
"Hermosa, please. Let me give you a treat, you deserve it." He says, winking. Instantly I look away as my face starts heating up. God I can't with him.
"O-Okay.." I say. I don't know what else I could've said. The smile on his face grows larger as he grabs my hand softly and starts tugging me and pulling me.

"Come on! Let's go!" He nags me. I need to put on my shoes and do other stuff!
"Just give me 5-10 mins okay? then we will go." I say. He nods and walks out of the room.

(~time skip~)

The minute I walk out of my room, Camilo grabs my hand and starts running into town. I hope we don't run into my parents.
"Camilo slow down!" I yell at him as we are running down the hill. I would resist but he would just pull more. Thank god, he slows down. We reach the main square were you can see all the shops one by one.

"There!" He says, pointing at the material shop.
(HELP I NEARLY WROTE MATERIAL GWORL 🥲 anyway). I turn my head and see Pepa struggling to walk with all the groceries, the sky turning grey.
"Isn't that your mother?" I ask him.
"Yes, but come on hermosa, the shop is right there!" He says. I elbow him.
"Owww what was that for?" He asks.
"It's your mother. Come on, have some respect." I grab his arm and drag him over.

"Hi, would you like some help?" I ask her. The sky becomes sunny again.
"I would love that, thank you! I'm- "Pepa Madrigal. I'm aware. I'm Y/n." I tell her.
"Why would you tell her your name first time but not me?" Camilo asks. Por dios.
"Well Im sorry, I was crying if you remember." I remind him. I grab one of Pepa's bags, she smiles and thanks me again.

(~time skip~)

After putting the shopping in the right places of the house, Pepa thanks me one more time.
"Can we go to the material shop nowwww?" Camilo asks. I roll my eyes.
"It was lovely to meet you y/n. You're an amazing person." She said, looking at Camilo with a grin. I wonder what that's all about....

(Camilo's POV🧡)

I grab y/n's hand and start dragging her along. What I didn't want to happen is exactly what happened. Now mamí will never shut up about her. Y/n starts walking with me, thank god we can leave now.

"Alright, are you happy now that we helped my mother?" I asked. She nodded.
"Then let's go to the fabric store! Cmon!" I say as I start running into town, still holding y/n's hand.

We get there and it's extremely crowded- I have no idea and neither does y/n. Fortunately, the least crowded shop is the material shop. We enter and she starts looking at the blue and purple colours. Colours like navy, royal blue, lavender, lilac, violet, indigo.... The list goes on.

"Purple is a good choice. It would look good on you." I say, getting her attention.
"Yeah, I just don't know what Mirabel is capable of. I have ideas in mind though.." she says.
"Have you seen Mirabel's dress? She made that. She is capable of doing a lot of things!" I say. She smiles and walks over to grab a
blue-violet and a lilac but turns around and looks me straight it the eyes.

"I still don't know about you buying this, because we don't have to. We really don't."
"Look, your purse is at home right, and you don't wanna face your parents? Then let me buy it. Please hermosa, I want you to be happy!" I explain. She says fine and grabs what she wants. I pay and pay and put it in a bag and  she grabs the bag. We thank the cashier and walk outside, only to see more chaos...

Y/n grabs my hand and we start walking through the crowd. Suddenly, y/n stops for a minute and then sprints to an alleyway.

"Why... what... why?" I say, out of breath. We both were breathing quite heavily.
"My... parent were... there." She says, in between breaths. We both stand quietly for a minute or two so we can catch out breaths.

"I didn't want my parents to see me." She explains.
"Soo.. are we just going to wait in this alleyway... alone?" I say, smirking. I like seeing her flustered, it's cute. But it's exactly what happened, she started blushing madly.

(Y/n's POV 💜)

After Camilo said that I just stayed silent. What was he suggesting? Suddenly, he leans over with one arm on the wall, next to my head.

(Random picture I found on google but basically this pose)

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(Random picture I found on google but basically this pose)

I looked away, blushing like crazy. What is he doing? Suddenly, I feel a hand on my chin. He turned my face to face him.
"I'm over here, hermosa~" he says. I just close my eyes because I don't know what else to do.
He chuckles and leans back against the wall. What just happened?


Word count: 1105
Thanks for reading 🦋🦋🦋
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(I need to stop using suddenly so much 🥲)
Love yall <3

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